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Quick Guide To Colorado Legislative Information
by the Colorado State Publications Library
Denver, Colorado
For further information contact the library staff at
Revised April 2024
The web links included in this brief list will lead to resources for research on current and past bills in the Colorado House and Senate as well as discussion points on legislative issues by topic. This is a quick information guide to selected print and electronic publications, as well as web sites, maintained by state agencies only. Many current and historical print publications on this topic are available to borrow from the Colorado State Publications Library. For information contact us or visit the library web site.
General Assembly
Contact Information for legislative members (the Legislative Directory or "Pink Book")
Audio Broadcasts of current proceedings
Committee Summaries: Summaries from 1973-1999 are available online through the Colorado State Archives. From 2000 to 2015, the summaries can be found on the Colorado General Assembly's legacy site. For 2016 to present, visit the Committees page and use the the 'View By Session" filter.
Current House and Senate Bills. - includes the full-text of bills, bill status information, bill histories fiscal notes, and committee reports
Prior Session Information - includes the full-text of bills, bill histories, fiscal notes, committee reports, and bill status information. Resolutions, calendars and journals are also included. (1997 to 2015) The State Publications Library has historical information on bills going back to 1960.
Digest of Bills -summarizes the major provisions of each bill passed during previous sessions 1933 to present. Bills are grouped by subject.
Colorado Revised Statutes and the Colorado Constitution - access the statutes and state constitution online through LexisNexis.
Rules and Regulations - online Code of Colorado Regulations maintained by the Secretary of State.
Legislative Council
The Legislative Council is a nonpartisan research organization which serves the Colorado General Assembly. The council supports the legislative committees, and responds to requests for research and constituent services. They analyze ballot issues and publish reports on a variety of topics including:
- School Finance
- Economic Statistics and Forecasts
- Major Legislation by Subject
- Research publications by subject
Historical Research Publications - This site provides a digital collection with searchable access to all Colorado Legislative Council Research Publications , links to relevant legislation for newer publications, and information on performing legislative history research at the state and federal level. This was a project of The Westminster Law Library at the University of Denver's Sturm College of Law.
Fiscal Notes - analysis of the fiscal impact on proposed House and Senate Bills. Fiscal notes for previous years can be found in the "Prior Session Information" section of the General Assembly web page. Click on the "House and Senate Bills" for a particular year and a table will open up that includes links to the fiscal notes for each bill.
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