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Colorado Department of Education Professional Development

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Digitizing Learning for Students with Autism (Tri-State Webinar Series)

Audience: Educators, Other District/School Staff | Topic: Autism, Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education

On-Demand format. Digitizing Learning for Students with Autism (Tri-State Webinar Series)
On-Demand format

Presented by: Sean J. Smith, Ph.D.
Originally Aired: February 17, 2021


This session will focus on ways to further utilize the various digital tools and solutions to meet the varied needs of students with Down Syndrome and ASD. As we continue to navigate this unusual school year, this interactive session will suggest strategies to further embed digital tools with a focus on ways to support the specific and unique needs of these learners. Designed for educators and family members, we will explore face-to-face, hybrid, and fully online solutions to examine the various ways we continue to support our learners.

Tri-State Autism Collaborative Logo

Learner Objectives: 

  1. Participants will better understand ways to further embed strategies and digital tools to meet the unique needs of learners with Down Syndrome and ASD.
  2. Participants will expand their understanding of how to continue to meet students’ diverse needs within the demands of the ever-changing learning environment.
  3. Participants will explore strategies and digital tools that can be used to support the overall development of learners with ASD and Down Syndrome for the remainder of the academic year and beyond.


Contact Information

CDE Autism Team


After watching this recorded webinar a certificate for 1 hour is available. Complete a brief survey and short knowledge check. A certificate will be generated if a passing score of 80% is achieved. 

Evaluation Survey & Knowledge Check

Professional development events offers a certificate

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