Verbal Behavior, Part 2 - Using Verbal Behavior Strategies in Your Classroom (2-Part Series) (Tri-State Webinar)
Audience: Educators, Other District/School Staff | Topic: Autism, Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education

On-Demand format
Verbal Behavior, Part 2 - Using Verbal Behavior Strategies in Your Classroom
Presenters: Rhonda Ayres, M.A. and Deb Rauner, M.Ed.
Originally aired December 9, 2015
Learner Objectives
Participants will be able to:
- Individuals will learn about each verbal operant.
- Understand how to mix trials during instruction.
- Examine assessment and curriculum programs (ABLLS, VB-MAPP and AFLS).
- Understand how to use Verbal Behavior Strategies to teach any subject or curriculum.
Study Questions
- Give a definition of Manding and Tacting.
- Explain the term mixing trials.
Other Parts:
- Verbal Behaviors, Part 1 - Teaching Using Verbal Behavior Strategies
- Verbal Behaviors, Part 2 - Using Verbal Behavior Strategies in Your Classroom
Contact Information
CDE Autism
To receive a certificate for this webinar please complete a brief webinar survey. Upon completion of the survey, participants will receive a certificate for 1 training hour.

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