Bullying and the Autism Spectrum (Tri-State Webinar)
Audience: Educators, Other District/School Staff | Topic: Autism, Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education

On-Demand format
Presenters: Susan M. Swearer
Originally aired September 11, 2015
Learner Objectives
Participants will:
- Learn the definition of bullying
- Gain information on the social-ecological model of bullying
- Be introduced to a variety of resources for dealing with bullying
- Understand the current research findings on bullying and students with ASD
Study Questions
- List the key components in the definition of bullying.
- Explain why individuals with ASD are often victims of bullying.
- List 2 protective factors that help reduce bullying for individuals with ASD.
Contact Information
CDE Autism TeamASD-Team@cde.state.co.us
After viewing the webinar please complete a brief Survey Monkey evaluation to receive a certificate for 1 CDE training hour.

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