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Colorado Department of Education Professional Development

Transition Training for Parents - Module 5: Employment Opportunities

Audience: Parents | Topic: Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education

On-Demand format. Transition Training for Parents - Module 5: Employment Opportunities
On-Demand format

With the right support, most students with IEPs can be employed. We share some of the services to help students reach their employment goals. We also share some ideas for parents to help their teens be work ready.



  1. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
  2. Workforce Centers
  3. Medicaid waiver supported employment
  4. Job Corps
  5. Getting the Job Done poster series - coming soon!
  6. Colorado ABLE
  7. Colorado Employment First & Disability Benefits 101
  8. Employment Checklist from the Project 10 Transition Education Network


Since this recording, Colorado has changed legislation so that if you have an ABLE account, Medicaid cannot file to draw back funds after the beneficiary passes. The beneficiary can decide how to distribute funds after their death.

Additional Modules in this series

Colorado Department of Education (CDE) disclaimer:

This CDE guidance document is meant for clarification, is not legally binding, and is not to be confused with legal advice. This guidance reflects CDE’s recommendations, but Administrative Units (AUs) may have developed policies or procedures that differ from those described herein. Be sure to refer to your local AU’s policies and procedures through the Director of Special Education. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact your legal counsel.

Contact Information

Gail Lott

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