CDE will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.
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2018 Centers for Excellence Award
2018 Recipients
Adams 12 Five Star Schools
- Coronado Hills Elementary School
Adams-Arapahoe 28J
- Century Elementary School
- Vega Collegiate Academy
Charter School Institute
- Victory Preparatory Academy Middle State Charters
Denver County 1
- Fairview Elementary School
- Holm Elementary School
Englewood 1
- Clayton Elementary
Harrison 2
- Atlas Preparatory High School
- Giberson Elementary School
- Sand Creek Elementary School
Jefferson County R-1
- Eiber Elementary School
Poudre R-1
- Putnam Elementary School
Pueblo City 60
- Heritage Elementary School
School District 27J
- North Elementary School
South Conjeos RE-10
- Antonito Middle School
Contact Information:
Kim Burnham
Competitive Grants and Awards
(303) 866-6916
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