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Performance Snapshot
The Performance Snapshot provides an overview of key elements from the most recent District and School Performance Framework Reports and Unified Improvement Plans.
Achievement Dashboard
The Achievement Dashboard displays the results for the annual CMAS and Colorado PSAT/SAT assessments.
Growth Dashboard
The Growth Dashboard displays the median student growth percentiles (MGPs) for the CMAS and Colorado PSAT/SAT assessments.
PWR Dashboard
The Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Dashboard displays the 4-year, 5-year, 6-year and 7-year graduation rates, completion rates, dropout rates and matriculation rates for Colorado high school students.
Enrollment Dashboard
The Enrollment Dashboard displays the total enrollment of students in Colorado schools and includes the attendance and mobility rates.
Performance Frameworks - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
Mission Viejo Elementary School (5934)
AURORA, CO 80013
(Pre-K - Grade 5)
District: Cherry Creek 5 (0130)
Number of Schools in District: 66
View School List
Selected Report Year: 2023
Rating: Improvement Plan
Performance Watch Status: Not on Performance Watch
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report
Selected Report Year: 2022
Rating: Performance Plan: Low Participation
Performance Watch Status: Not on Performance Watch
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report
Selected Report Year: 2019
Rating: Performance Plan: Meets 95% Participation
Performance Watch Status: Not on Performance Watch
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report
Selected Report Year: 2018
Rating: Improvement Plan: Meets 95% Participation
Performance Watch Status: Not on Performance Watch
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report
Selected Report Year: 2017
Rating: Performance Plan: Low Participation
Performance Watch Status: Not on Performance Watch
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report
Selected Report Year: 2016
Rating: Performance Plan: Low Participation
Performance Watch Status: Not on Performance Watch
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report
Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
The performance framework is built around a range of student outcome measures organized beneath three performance indicators: Academic Achievement, Academic Growth, and Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness. For the Post-Secondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) performance indicator, the framework assigns ratings based on graduation rates, dropout rates, matriculation rates, and 11th grade results on the Colorado SAT and DLM assessments.
The displays reflect PWR performance indicator ratings. The bar colors indicate the assigned rating for each group that is reported within the overall sub indicators.
Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
Colorado ACT
The performance framework is built around a range of student outcome measures associated with three key performance indicators: Academic Achievement, Academic Growth, and Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness (PWR). For the Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness indicator, the 2016 framework assigns ratings based on graduation rates, dropout rates, matriculation rates, and results on the Colorado ACT. For the Colorado ACT results, the performance framework reports average composite scores for the overall 11th grade population. Colorado ACT results for specific subject areas and student groups do not factor into the 2016 framework ratings.
The 2016 framework assigns ratings to average composite scores for districts and schools based on how they rank relative to statewide outcomes. Based on these ratings, each district or school then accumulates points toward its overall Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness rating. Points are earned in proportion to the level of the rating for each individual metric, so that higher ratings equated to larger point totals for the indicator overall. The tables below show how ratings and point values are assigned to Colorado ACT metrics for the 2016 performance framework.
Rating |
Average Composite Score Range* |
Percentile Rank Range |
Subgroups: |
Exceeds |
22.0-36.0 |
85-99 |
4/4 |
Meets |
20.0-21.9 |
50-84 |
3/4 |
Approaching |
17.0-19.9 |
15-49 |
2/4 |
Does Not Meet |
1.0-16.9 |
1-14 |
1/4 |
*Average composite sscores are only reported and used in the performance framework when results are available for at least 16 students.
Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
Colorado SAT CO SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing
The performance framework is built around a range of student outcome measures associated with three key performance indicators: Academic Achievement, Academic Growth, and Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness (PWR). For the Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness indicator, the framework assigns ratings based on graduation rates, dropout rates, matriculation rates, and 11th grade results on the Colorado SAT. For the Colorado SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing results, the performance framework reports mean scale scores for the entire tested population and for the following student groups:
Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Students - These mean scale score calculations represent results for students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.
Minority Students - These mean scale score calculations represent results for students with racial or ethnic backgrounds other than White.
Multilingual Learners - These mean scale score calculations represent results for students who speak English as a second language and receive English Language instructional services.
Students with Disabilities - These mean scale score calculations represent results for students who receive services under an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
The framework assigns a rating to each mean scale score metric based on how it ranks relative to statewide outcomes. Based on these ratings, each district or school accumulates points toward its overall Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness rating. Points are earned in proportion to the level of the rating for each individual metric, so that higher ratings equated to larger point totals for the indicator overall. Mean scale score cut-points are determined through periodic analysis of state-wide trend data. The tables below show the cut-points used to assign ratings to SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing scores within the performance framework. The first table shows the cut-points that were used to determine ratings on the 2019 framework. The second table shows the cut-points used for the 2017 & 2018 framework.
2019 Ratings Cut-Points: Colorado Evidence-Based Reading & Writing
Rating |
Scale Score Range* |
Percentile Rank Range |
All Students: |
Subgroups: |
Exceeds |
554.7 - 800 |
85-99 |
4/4 |
2/2 |
Meets |
501.3 - 559.09 |
50-84 |
3/4 |
1.5/2 |
Approaching |
458.0 - 501.29 |
15-49 |
2/4 |
1/2 |
Does Not Meet |
200 - 457.99 |
1-14 |
1/4 |
.5/2 |
*Mean scale scores are only reported when results are available for at least 16 students.
2017 - 2018 Ratings Cut-Points: Colorado SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing
Rating |
Scale Score Range* |
Percentile Rank Range |
All Students: |
Subgroups: |
Exceeds |
559.1 - 800 |
85-99 |
4/4 |
2/2 |
Meets |
509.2 - 559.09 |
50-84 |
3/4 |
1.5/2 |
Approaching |
462.3 - 509.19 |
15-49 |
2/4 |
1/2 |
Does Not Meet |
200 - 462.29 |
1-14 |
1/4 |
.5/2 |
*Mean scale scores are only reported when results are available for at least 16 students.
Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
Colorado SAT Math
The performance framework is built around a range of student outcome measures associated with three key performance indicators: Academic Achievement, Academic Growth, and Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness (PWR). For the Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness indicator, the framework assigns ratings based on graduation rates, dropout rates, matriculation rates, and 11th grade results on the Colorado SAT. For the Colorado SAT Math results, the performance framework reports mean scale scores for the entire tested population and for the following student groups:
Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Students - These mean scale score calculations represent results for students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.
Minority Students - These mean scale score calculations represent results for students with racial or ethnic backgrounds other than White.
English Learners - These mean scale score calculations represent results for students who speak English as a second language and receive English Language instructional services.
Students with Disabilities - These mean scale score calculations represent results for students who receive services under an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
The framework assigns a rating to each mean scale score metric based on how it ranks relative to statewide outcomes. Based on these ratings, each district or school accumulates points toward its overall Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness rating. Points are earned in proportion to the level of the rating for each individual metric, so that higher ratings equated to larger point totals for the indicator overall. Mean scale score cut-points are determined through periodic analysis of state-wide trend data. The tables below show the cut-points used to assign ratings so SAT Math scores within the performance framework. The first table shows the cut-points that were used to determine ratings on the 2019 framework. The second table shows the cut-points used for the 2017 & 2018 framework.
2019 Ratings Cut-Points: Colorado SAT Math
Rating |
Scale Score Range* |
Percentile Rank Range |
All Students: |
Subgroups: |
Exceeds |
544.6 - 800 |
85-99 |
4/4 |
2/2 |
Meets |
488.0 - 544.59 |
50-84 |
3/4 |
1.5/2 |
Approaching |
439.9 - 487.99 |
15-49 |
2/4 |
1/2 |
Does Not Meet |
200 - 439.89 |
1-14 |
1/4 |
.5/2 |
*Mean scale scores are only reported when results are available for at least 16 students.
2017 - 2018 Ratings Cut-Points: Colorado SAT Math
Rating |
Scale Score Range* |
Percentile Rank Range |
All Students: |
Subgroups: |
Exceeds |
543.4 - 800 |
85-99 |
4/4 |
2/2 |
Meets |
491.7 - 543.39 |
50-84 |
3/4 |
1.5/2 |
Approaching |
446.5 - 491.69 |
15-49 |
2/4 |
1/2 |
Does Not Meet |
200 - 446.49 |
1-14 |
1/4 |
.5/2 |
*Mean scale scores are only reported when results are available for at least 16 students.
Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
Graduation Rates
The performance framework is built around a range of student outcome measures associated with three key performance indicators: Academic Achievement, Academic Growth, and Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness (PWR). For the Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness indicator, the framework assigns ratings based on graduation rates, dropout rates, matriculation rates, and results on the Colorado SAT. Graduation rates are reported for the district or school as a whole and for the following student subgroups:
Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Students - These calculations represent graduation rates for students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.
Minority Students - These calculations represent graduation rates for students with racial or ethnic backgrounds other than White.
English Learners - These calculations represent graduation rates for students who speak English as a second language and receive English Language instructional services.
Students with Disabilities - These calculations represent graduation rates for students who receive services under an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Graduation rate cut-points are determined through periodic analysis of state-wide trend data. The table below shows the cut-points used to assign ratings to graduation rates within the performance framework.
Rating |
Scale Score Range* |
Percentile Rank Range |
All Students: |
Disaggregated Groups |
Exceeds |
95% - 100% |
85-99 |
8/8 |
2/2 |
Meets |
85% - 94.99% |
50-84 |
6/8 |
1.5/2 |
Approaching |
75% - 84.99% |
15-49 |
4/8 |
1/2 |
Does Not Meet |
0% - 74.99% |
1-14 |
2/8 |
.5/2 |
*Due to data collection timelines, graduation rates reported in the performance framework are one year in arrears.
Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
Dropout Rates
The performance framework is built around a range of student outcome measures associated with three key performance indicators: Academic Achievement, Academic Growth, and Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness (PWR). For the Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness indicator, the framework assigns ratings based on graduation rates, dropout rates, matriculation rates, and results on the Colorado SAT. Dropout rates are reported for the district or school as a whole and for the following student subgroups:
Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Students - These calculations represent dropout rates for students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.
Minority Students - These calculations represent dropout rates for students with racial or ethnic backgrounds other than White.
English Learners - These calculations represent dropout rates for students who speak English as a second language and receive English Language instructional services.
Students with Disabilities - These calculations represent dropout rates for students who receive services under an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
The framework assigns ratings to dropout rate metrics based on how each rate ranks relative to statewide outcomes. Based on these ratings, each district or school accumulates points toward its overall Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness rating. Points are earned in proportion to the level of the rating for each individual metric, so that higher ratings equated to larger point totals for the indicator overall. Dropout rate cut-points are determined through periodic analysis of state-wide trend data. The table below shows the cut-points used to assign ratings to dropout rates within the performance framework.
Rating |
Scale Score Range* |
Percentile Rank Range |
All Students: |
Disaggregated Groups |
Exceeds |
0.5% - 0% |
85-99 |
8/8 |
2/2 |
Meets |
2.0% - 0.51% |
50-84 |
6/8 |
1.5/2 |
Approaching |
5.0% - 2.01% |
15-49 |
4/8 |
1/2 |
Does Not Meet |
100% - 5.01% |
1-14 |
2/8 |
.5/2 |
*Due to data collection timelines, dropout rates reported in the performance framework are one year in arrears.
PWR metrics are only reported at the high school level. However, the dropout rate calculations used for district performance frameworks do include 7th and 8th grade students. The dropout rates used for the school performance framework only include students in grades 9 through 12.
Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
Matriculation Rate
The performance framework is built around a range of student outcome measures associated with three key performance indicators: Academic Achievement, Academic Growth, and Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness (PWR). For the Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness indicator, the framework assigns ratings based on graduation rates, dropout rates, matriculation rates, and results on the Colorado SAT. Matriculation rates represent the percentage of high school graduates who enroll in a career and technical education program, community college, or four-year institution of higher education or enlist in the military in the fall immediately following graduation. Matriculation rates follow a different pattern for disaggregated reporting. Rather than being based on demographic characteristics, matriculation rates are broken down by CTE, 2-year, 4-year institutes and military enlistment. Only overall matriculation rates factor into framework ratings.
The framework assigns ratings to matriculation rate metrics based on how each rate ranks relative to statewide outcomes. Based on these ratings, each district or school accumulates points toward its overall Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness rating. Points are earned in proportion to the level of the rating for each individual metric, so that higher ratings equated to larger point totals for the indicator overall. Matriculation rate cut-points are determined through periodic analysis of state-wide trend data. The table below shows the cut-points used to assign ratings to matriculation rates within the performance framework.
Rating |
Scale Score Range* |
Percentile Rank Range |
All Students: |
Disaggregated Groups |
Exceeds |
73.1% - 100% |
85-99 |
8/8 |
NA |
Meets |
59.3% - 73.09% |
50-84 |
6/8 |
NA |
Approaching |
41.1% - 59.29% |
15-49 |
4/8 |
NA |
Does Not Meet |
0% - 41.09% |
1-14 |
2/8 |
NA |
*Due to data collection timelines, matriculation rates reported in the performance framework are one year in arrears.
- Overall Rating
- Assurances and Test Participation
- Performance Indicators
- Achievement
- Growth
- Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
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Cherry Creek 5 (0130) - School List
- Altitude Elementary School (0102)
- Antelope Ridge Elementary School (0242)
- Arrowhead Elementary School (0348)
- Aspen Crossing Elementary School (0442)
- Belleview Elementary School (0714)
- Black Forest Hills Elementary School (4448)
- Buffalo Trail Elementary School (1155)
- Campus Middle School (1566)
- Canyon Creek Elementary School (1273)
- Challenge School (1510)
- Cherokee Trail High School (1551)
- Cherry Creek Charter Academy (1571)
- Cherry Creek Elevation (1429)
- Cherry Creek High School (1570)
- Cherry Hills Village Elementary School (1574)
- Cimarron Elementary School (1614)
- Colorado Skies Academy (0188)
- Cottonwood Creek Elementary School (1916)
- Coyote Hills Elementary School (0243)
- Creekside Elementary School (1970)
- Dakota Valley Elementary School (2094)
- Dry Creek Elementary School (2292)
- Eaglecrest High School (2357)
- Eastridge Community Elementary School (2428)
- Endeavor Academy (2653)
- Falcon Creek Middle School (2897)
- Fox Hollow Elementary School (0016)
- Fox Ridge Middle School (3030)
- Grandview High School (3589)
- Greenwood Elementary School (3648)
- Heritage Elementary School (3926)
- Heritage Heights Academy (4189)
- High Plains Elementary School (1572)
- Highline Community Elementary School (3988)
- Holly Hills Elementary School (4062)
- Homestead Elementary School (4078)
- Horizon Middle School (4100)
- Independence Elementary School (4276)
- Indian Ridge Elementary School (4280)
- Infinity Middle School (7514)
- Laredo Middle School (4975)
- Liberty Middle School (0018)
- Meadow Point Elementary School (5744)
- Mission Viejo Elementary School (5934)
- Mountain Vista Elementary School (6225)
- Overland High School (6625)
- Peakview Elementary School (6820)
- Pine Ridge Elementary School (6955)
- Polton Community Elementary School (7102)
- Ponderosa Elementary School (7116)
- Prairie Middle School (7158)
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- Rolling Hills Elementary School (7476)
- Sagebrush Elementary School (7559)
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- Smoky Hill High School (8020)
- Summit Elementary School (8380)
- Sunrise Elementary School (8394)
- Thunder Ridge Middle School (8848)
- Timberline Elementary School (8850)
- Trails West Elementary School (8887)
- Village East Community Elementary School (9108)
- Walnut Hills Community Elementary School (9200)
- West Middle School (1568)
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- Woodland Elementary School (7617)