A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    All

Note: You can use the alphabetical list below to limit the list by the first letter of the district name.

District: Academy 20
District Code: 1040
Name: Jimmy McDivitt
Work Phone: 719-234-1676
Email Address: jimmy.mcdivitt@asd20.org


District: Adams 12 Five Star Schools
District Code: 20
Name: Jodie Turner
Work Phone: 720-972-6076
Email Address: jodie.turner@adams12.org


District: Adams County 14
District Code: 30
Name: Brandon Steili
Work Phone: 303-853-3226
Email Address: bsteili@adams14.org


District: Adams-Arapahoe 28J
District Code: 180
Name: Cammie Smith
Work Phone: 303-326-2010
Ext: 28250
Email Address: camsmith@aurorak12.org


District: Agate 300
District Code: 960
Name: Allen Bell
Work Phone: 719-775-2342
Ext: 147
Email Address: allenb@ecboces.org


District: Aguilar RE-6
District Code: 1620
Name: Melanie Cowan
Work Phone: 719-941-4188
Ext: 202
Email Address: mcowan@aguilarschools.com


District: Akron R-1
District Code: 3030
Name: Greg Clarkson
Work Phone: 970-345-2268
Ext: 631
Email Address: greg.clarkson@akronrams.org


District: Alamosa RE-11J
District Code: 100
Name: Scott Schweizer
Work Phone: 719-587-6013
Email Address: srs@alamosaschools.org


District: Approved Facility Schools
District Code: 3456
Name: Annie Haskins
Work Phone: 303-859-4406
Email Address: Haskins_a@cde.state.co.us


District: Archuleta County 50 JT
District Code: 220
Name: Bart Owen
Work Phone: 970-624-2228
Ext: 5409
Email Address: bowen@pagosa.k12.co.us


District: Arickaree R-2
District Code: 3040
Name: Allen Bell
Work Phone: 719-775-2342
Email Address: allenb@ecboces.org


District: Arriba-Flagler C-20
District Code: 1450
Name: Jon Smithburg
Work Phone: 719-765-4684
Ext: 132
Email Address: jsmithburg@af20.net


District: Aspen 1
District Code: 2640
Name: Jason Pfeifer
Work Phone: 970-989-4298
Email Address: jpfeifer@aspenk12.net


District: Bayfield 10JT-R
District Code: 1530
Name: Roger Dodd
Work Phone: 970-884-5555
Email Address: rdodd@bayfield.k12.co.us


District: Bennett 29J
District Code: 50
Name: Jeff Bain
Work Phone: 303-644-3234
Ext: 8123
Email Address: jeffb@bsd29j.com


District: Bethune R-5
District Code: 1490
Name: Allen Bell
Work Phone: 719-775-2342
Email Address: allenb@ecboces.org


District: Big Sandy 100J
District Code: 940
Name: Tim Tucker
Work Phone: 719-541-2291
Email Address: ttucker@bigsandy100j.org


District: Boulder Valley RE 2
District Code: 480
Name: Beth Stover
Work Phone: 720-561-5141
Email Address: beth.stover@bvsd.org


District: Branson RE-82
District Code: 1750
Name: Brad Doherty
Work Phone: 719-946-5531
Email Address: bdoherty@bransonschoolonline.com


District: Brush RE-2(J)
District Code: 2395
Name: Bobby Murphy
Work Phone: 970-842-5171
Email Address: b.murphy@brushschools.org


District: Buena Vista R-31
District Code: 490
Name: Matt Brooker
Work Phone: 719-395-7000
Email Address: mattbr@bvschools.org


District: Buffalo RE-4
District Code: 1860
Name: Lonnie Brungardt
Work Phone: 970-522-7424
Email Address: Brungardtl@merino.k12.co.us


District: Burlington RE-6J
District Code: 1500
Name: Russell Lindenschmidt
Work Phone: 719-346-8737
Email Address: rlindenschmidt@burlingtonk12.org


District: Byers 32J
District Code: 190
Name: Jason Hayes
Work Phone: 303-822-5292
Ext: 1176
Email Address: jdhayes@byers.k12.co.us


District: Calhan RJ-1
District Code: 970
Name: James Rotenberry
Work Phone: 719-347-2766
Email Address: jrotenberry@calhanschool.org


District: Campo RE-6
District Code: 270
Name: Leonel Morales
Work Phone: 719-336-9046
Email Address: l.morales@seboces.org


District: Canon City RE-1
District Code: 1140
Name: Hunter Dean-Moore
Work Phone: 719-276-5700
Ext: 5702
Email Address: hunter.dean-moore@canoncityschools.org


District: Centennial BOCES
District Code: 9035
Name: Zak Kellow
Work Phone: 970-352-7404
Ext: 2334
Email Address: zkellow@cboces.org


District: Centennial R-1
District Code: 640
Name: Paul Hendriksen
Work Phone: 719-672-3322
Email Address: phendricksen@cmsiptech.net


District: Center 26 JT
District Code: 2810
Name: Julio Paez
Work Phone: 719-754-3442
Email Address: jpaez@center.k12.co.us


District: Charter School Institute
District Code: 8001
Name: Kali Winn
Work Phone: 303-532-7403
Email Address: kaliwinn@csi.state.co.us


District: Cheraw 31
District Code: 2560
Name: Mariah Quick
Work Phone: 719-853-6655
Ext: 226
Email Address: mariah.quick@cheraw.k12.co.us


District: Cherry Creek 5
District Code: 130
Name: Huy Tran
Work Phone: 720-554-5592
Email Address: htran7@cherrycreekschools.org


District: Cheyenne County RE-5
District Code: 520
Name: Jeff Howard
Work Phone: 719-767-5136
Ext: 0
Email Address: jeff.howard@cheyennesd.net


District: Cheyenne Mountain 12
District Code: 1020
Name: Greg Miller
Work Phone: 719-475-6146
Email Address: gmiller@cmsd12.org


District: Clear Creek RE-1
District Code: 540
Name: Ethan MacMillan
Work Phone: 303-679-4646
Email Address: ethan.macmillan@CCSDRE1.ORG


District: Colorado River BOCES
District Code: 9030
Name: Troy Lange
Work Phone: 970-963-3243
Ext: 202
Email Address: tlange@mtnboces.k12.co.us


District: Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind
District Code: 9000
Name: Reuben Harmon
Work Phone: 719-578-2249
Email Address: rharmon@csdb.org


District: Colorado Springs 11
District Code: 1010
Name: Christa Ross
Work Phone: 719-520-2370
Email Address: christa.ross@d11.org


District: Cotopaxi RE-3
District Code: 1160
Name: Mike Brown
Work Phone: 719-942-4131
Ext: 242
Email Address: mbrown@cotopaxire3.org


District: Creede Consolidated School
District Code: 2010
Name: Patrick Sewell
Work Phone: 719-658-2220
Ext: 154
Email Address: patrick.sewell@creedek12.net


District: Cripple Creek-Victor RE-1
District Code: 3010
Name: Merrill Ballinger
Work Phone: 719-689-2661
Ext: 1216
Email Address: mballinger@ccvschools.com


District: Crowley County RE-1J
District Code: 770
Name: Scott Eckhart
Work Phone: 719-468-8690
Email Address: scott.eckhart@cck12.net


District: Custer County School District C-1
District Code: 860
Name: Ryan Donovan
Work Phone: 719-783-4923
Email Address: ryan.donovan@ccbobcats.net


District: De Beque 49JT
District Code: 1980
Name: Amber Shannon
Work Phone: 970-283-5596
Email Address: ashannon@debeque.k12.co.us


District: Deer Trail 26J
District Code: 170
Name: Chris Kastner
Work Phone: 303-769-4421
Ext: 232
Email Address: ckastner@dt26j.com


District: Delta County 50(J)
District Code: 870
Name: Anthony Cooper
Work Phone: 970-874-5262
Email Address: acooper@deltaschools.com


District: Denver County 1
District Code: 880
Name: Josh Allen
Work Phone: 720-423-3565
Email Address: jallen@dpsk12.net


District: District 49
District Code: 1110
Name: Brent Buena
Work Phone: 719-201-2173
Email Address: bbuena@d49.org


District: Division of Youth
District Code: 8104
Name: Irwin Faaiu
Work Phone: 303-866-7912
Email Address: irwin.faaiu@state.co.us


District: Dolores County RE-2
District Code: 890
Name: Dealila Huskey
Work Phone: 970-677-2296
Email Address: dhuskey@dc2j.org


District: Dolores RE-4A
District Code: 2055
Name: Mark Baxter
Work Phone: 970-882-7288
Email Address: mbaxter@dolores.k12.co.us


District: Douglas County RE-1
District Code: 900
Name: Gail Hutton
Work Phone: 303-387-0247
Email Address: gmhutton@dcsdk12.org


District: Durango 9-R
District Code: 1520
Name: Brian Schoff
Work Phone: 970-247-5411
Ext: 1412
Email Address: bschoff@durangoschools.org


District: Eads RE-1
District Code: 1430
Name: Leonel Morales
Work Phone: 719-336-9046
Email Address: l.morales@seboces.org


District: Eagle County RE-50J
District Code: 910
Name: Brandon Dodds
Work Phone: 970-328-1934
Email Address: brandon.dodds@eagleschools.net


District: East Grand 2
District Code: 1350
Name: Anthony Riccardelli
Work Phone: 970-887-2581
Email Address: anthony.riccardelli@egsd.org


District: East Otero R-1
District Code: 2520
Name: Dakota Vaile-Claudio
Work Phone: 719-384-4467
Email Address: dvaile@lajunta.k12.co.us


District: Eaton RE-2
District Code: 3085
Name: Antonio Felix
Work Phone: 970-454-5193
Ext: 604
Email Address: afelix@eaton.k12.co.us


District: Edison 54JT
District Code: 1120
Name: Tim Creech
Work Phone: 719-330-5550
Email Address: tcreech@ppboces.org


District: Education reEnvisioned BOCES
District Code: 9170
Name: Ashley Repko
Work Phone: 719-368-6392
Email Address: ashley@edreenvisioned.org


District: Elbert 200
District Code: 950
Name: Maretta Glander
Work Phone: 303-648-3030
Ext: 115
Email Address: mglander@elbertschool.org


District: Elizabeth School District
District Code: 920
Name: Marty Silva
Work Phone: 303-646-1689
Email Address: msilva@esdk12.org


District: Ellicott 22
District Code: 1050
Name: Steven Schoonover
Work Phone: 719-683-2700
Ext: 4421
Email Address: steven.s@esd22.org


District: Englewood 1
District Code: 120
Name: Paul Whitaker
Work Phone: 303-806-2025
Email Address: paul_whitaker@engschools.net


District: Estes Park R-3
District Code: 1570
Name: Rick Compton
Work Phone: 970-586-2361
Ext: 3010
Email Address: rick_compton@psdr3.k12.co.us


District: Expeditionary BOCES
District Code: 9130
Name: Elizabeth Spruill
Work Phone: 303-759-2076
Ext: 2114
Email Address: espruill@rmsel.org


District: Fort Morgan RE-3
District Code: 2405
Name: Galen Thompson
Work Phone: 970-370-6101
Email Address: galen.thompson@morgan.k12.co.us


District: Fountain 8
District Code: 1000
Name: Landon Finch
Work Phone: 719-382-1598
Email Address: lfinch@ffc8.org


District: Fowler R-4J
District Code: 2540
Name: Michael Aragon
Work Phone: 719-263-4279
Email Address: mike.aragon@fowler.k12.co.us


District: Fremont RE-2
District Code: 1150
Name: Jeremy Rivera
Work Phone: 719-269-0313
Email Address: jrivera@re-2.org


District: Frenchman RE-3
District Code: 1850
Name: Richard Lousberg
Work Phone: 970-265-2111
Email Address: lousbergr@flemingschools.org


District: Garfield 16
District Code: 1220
Name: Nathan Humphrey
Work Phone: 970-285-5701
Email Address: nhumphrey@garfield16.org


District: Garfield RE-2
District Code: 1195
Name: Roger Gose
Work Phone: 970-665-7611
Email Address: rgose@garfieldre2.net


District: Genoa-Hugo C113
District Code: 1780
Name: Shari Humphrey
Work Phone: 719-743-2428
Email Address: shumphrey@genoahugo.org


District: Gilpin County RE-1
District Code: 1330
Name: Nathan Detling
Work Phone: 720-562-3109
Email Address: ndetling@gilpin.k12.co.us


District: Granada RE-1
District Code: 2650
Name: Leonel Morales
Work Phone: 719-336-9046
Email Address: l.morales@seboces.org


District: Gunnison Watershed RE-1J
District Code: 1360
Name: Lucas Gerlock
Work Phone: 970-964-7710
Ext: 2012
Email Address: lgerlock@GUNNISONSCHOOLS.NET


District: Hanover 28
District Code: 1070
Name: Larry McDowell
Work Phone: 719-749-2330
Email Address: Larry.McDowell@ppboces.org


District: Harrison 2
District Code: 980
Name: Ryan Smith
Work Phone: 719-579-2107
Email Address: rsmith@hsd2.org


District: Haxtun RE-2J
District Code: 2630
Name: Perry Ingram
Work Phone: 970-774-6111
Email Address: perryingram@haxtunk12.org


District: Hayden RE-1
District Code: 2760
Name: Natalie Corser
Work Phone: 970-276-3761
Email Address: ncorser@haydenschools.org


District: Hi-Plains R-23
District Code: 1460
Name: Allen Bell
Work Phone: 719-775-2342
Email Address: allenb@ecboces.org


District: Hinsdale County RE-1
District Code: 1380
Name: Matt Phillimore
Work Phone: 970-944-2314
Email Address: mattp@lakecityschool.org


District: Hoehne R-3
District Code: 1600
Name: Harold Thomason
Work Phone: 719-680-8384
Email Address: buddah@hoehnesd.org


District: Holly RE-3
District Code: 2670
Name: Troy Smith
Work Phone: 719-537-6616
Email Address: t.smith@hollyschool.org


District: Holyoke RE-1J
District Code: 2620
Name: Perry Ingram
Work Phone: 970-854-2284
Email Address: ingrampe@hcosd.org


District: Huerfano RE-1
District Code: 1390
Name: Manuel Lujan
Work Phone: 719-738-1520
Email Address: mlujan@huerfano.k12.co.us


District: Idalia RJ-3
District Code: 3220
Name: Myles Johnson
Work Phone: 970-354-7298
Email Address: johnsonm@idaliaco.us


District: Ignacio 11 JT
District Code: 1540
Name: Brian Crane
Work Phone: 970-563-0515
Ext: 332
Cell Phone: 970-946-7497
Email Address: bcrane@ignacio.k12.co.us


District: Jefferson County R-1
District Code: 1420
Name: Brian Gappa
Work Phone: 303-982-6907
Email Address: Brian.Gappa@jeffco.k12.co.us


District: Julesburg RE-1
District Code: 2862
Name: Brian Boehm
Work Phone: 970-474-3365
Email Address: boehm@julesburg.org


District: Karval RE-23
District Code: 1810
Name: Allen Bell
Work Phone: 719-775-2342
Ext: 147
Email Address: allenb@ecboces.org


District: Kim Reorganized 88
District Code: 1760
Name: Monica Giffing
Work Phone: 719-643-5295
Ext: 20
Email Address: monica.giffing@kimk12.org


District: Kiowa C-2
District Code: 930
Name: Allen Bell
Work Phone: 719-775-2342
Ext: 147
Email Address: allenb@ecboces.org


District: Kit Carson R-1
District Code: 510
Name: Alexis Gekeler
Work Phone: 719-962-3219
Email Address: agekeler@rebeltec.net


District: La Veta RE-2
District Code: 1400
Name: Aron Northrup
Work Phone: 719-742-6455
Email Address: aron.northrup@lvk12.org


District: Lake County R-1
District Code: 1510
Name: Jonah Frykholm
Work Phone: 719-427-0096
Email Address: jfrykholm@lakecountyschools.net


District: Lamar RE-2
District Code: 2660
Name: Gabrielle Hammer Nieschburg
Work Phone: 719-336-3251
Email Address: gabrielle.hammer@lamarschools.org


District: Las Animas RE-1
District Code: 290
Name: Kale Reyher
Work Phone: 719-456-0161
Email Address: kale.reyher@la-schools.net


District: Lewis-Palmer 38
District Code: 1080
Name: Chris Mack
Work Phone: 719-785-4221
Email Address: cmack@lewispalmer.org


District: Liberty J-4
District Code: 3230
Name: Jason Greenman
Work Phone: 970-630-4322
Email Address: jason@plainstel.com


District: Limon RE-4J
District Code: 1790
Name: Charlie Martinez
Work Phone: 719-775-2350
Ext: 377
Email Address: charmart@limonbadgers.com


District: Littleton 6
District Code: 140
Name: Victor Wilcox
Work Phone: 303-347-3338
Email Address: vwilcox@lps.k12.co.us


District: Lone Star 101
District Code: 3060
Name: Ryan King
Work Phone: 970-848-2778
Email Address: kingr@lonestar.k12.co.us


District: Mancos RE-6
District Code: 2070
Name: Keith Huskey
Work Phone: 970-533-7748
Email Address: khuskey@mancosre6.edu


District: Manitou Springs 14
District Code: 1030
Name: Cathrine Butler-Olimb
Work Phone: 719-685-2012
Email Address: Colimb@mssd14.org


District: Manzanola 3-J
District Code: 2535
Name: Kasey Coats
Work Phone: 719-462-5528
Email Address: kasey.coates@manzanola.k12.co.us


District: Mapleton 1
District Code: 10
Name: Todd Pugliese
Work Phone: 303-853-1034
Email Address: puglieset@mapleton.us


District: McClave RE-2
District Code: 310
Name: Leonel Morales
Work Phone: 719-336-9046
Email Address: l.morales@seboces.org


District: Meeker RE-1
District Code: 2710
Name: Steve Tobin
Work Phone: 970-878-9070
Email Address: Steve.tobin@meeker.k12.co.us


District: Mesa County Valley 51
District Code: 2000
Name: Amy Vagher
Work Phone: 970-254-5326
Email Address: Amy.Vagher@d51schools.org


District: Miami-Yoder JT-60
District Code: 1130
Name: Todd Ison
Work Phone: 719-478-2186
Ext: 1150
Email Address: tison@ppboces.org


District: Moffat 2
District Code: 2800
Name: Zach Schwartz
Work Phone: 719-256-4710
Ext: 49
Email Address: zschwartz@moffatschools.org


District: Moffat County RE-1
District Code: 2020
Name: Heather Higgins
Work Phone: 970-826-6263
Email Address: heather.higgins@moffatsd.org


District: Monte Vista C-8
District Code: 2740
Name: Charles Losee
Work Phone: 719-852-7721
Email Address: charlesdl@monte.k12.co.us


District: Montezuma-Cortez RE-1
District Code: 2035
Name: Mark Knox
Work Phone: 970-565-7282
Ext: 101
Email Address: mknox@cortez.k12.co.us


District: Montrose County RE-1J
District Code: 2180
Name: Brian Balerio
Work Phone: 970-252-7932
Email Address: Brian.Balerio@mcsd.org


District: Mountain Valley RE-1
District Code: 2790
Name: Patrick Sewell
Work Phone: 719-655-2578
Email Address: ptsewell@valley.k12.co.us


District: North Conejos RE-1J
District Code: 550
Name: Brad Huffaker
Work Phone: 719-274-5174
Email Address: bhuffaker@northconejos.com


District: North Park R-1
District Code: 1410
Name: Brenda Brown
Work Phone: 970-723-3300
Ext: 2040
Email Address: bbrown@northpark.k12.co.us


District: Norwood R-2J
District Code: 2840
Name: Ryan Shell
Work Phone: 970-327-4116
Email Address: ryan.shell@NORWOODK12.ORG


District: Otis R-3
District Code: 3050
Name: Jeff Jones
Work Phone: 970-246-3486
Email Address: jeff.jones@otisr3.com


District: Ouray R-1
District Code: 2580
Name: Denise James
Work Phone: 970-325-4505
Email Address: djames@ouray.k12.co.us


District: Park County RE-2
District Code: 2610
Name: Jesse Mair
Work Phone: 719-836-4408
Email Address: jmair@parkcountyre2.org


District: Pawnee RE-12
District Code: 3148
Name: Toby Gertge
Work Phone: 970-842-6500
Email Address: toby@gertgetech.com


District: Peyton 23 JT
District Code: 1060
Name: Richard Claycomb
Work Phone: 719-749-2330
Email Address: richardclaycomb@peyton.k12.co.us


District: Pikes Peak BOCES
District Code: 9045
Name: Larry McDowell
Work Phone: 719-622-2101
Email Address: lmcdowell@ppboces.org


District: Plainview RE-2
District Code: 1440
Name: Jennifer Wilson
Work Phone: 719-729-3331
Email Address: jennifer.wilson@plainviewhawks.org


District: Plateau RE-5
District Code: 1870
Name: Leslie Raffelson
Work Phone: 970-334-2361
Email Address: raffelsonl@peetzschool.org


District: Plateau Valley 50
District Code: 1990
Name: Michael Bizer
Work Phone: 970-487-3549
Ext: 247
Email Address: mbizer@pvsd50.org


District: Platte Canyon 1
District Code: 2600
Name: Matt Flores
Work Phone: 303-679-7705
Email Address: mflores@pcsdk12.org


District: Platte Valley RE-7
District Code: 3130
Name: Mike Jakel
Work Phone: 970-336-8622
Email Address: mjakel@pvre7.org


District: Poudre R-1
District Code: 1550
Name: Joshua Campbell
Work Phone: 970-237-9638
Email Address: jcampbell@psdschools.org


District: Prairie RE-11
District Code: 3147
Name: Danielle Ramseier
Work Phone: 970-437-5351
Email Address: dramseier@prairieschool.org


District: Primero RE-2
District Code: 1590
Name: Richard Garrison
Work Phone: 719-569-20514
Email Address: it.dept@primeroschool.com


District: Pritchett RE-3
District Code: 240
Name: Leonel Morales
Work Phone: 719-336-9046
Email Address: l.morales@seboces.org


District: Pueblo City 60
District Code: 2690
Name: Thomas Sanford
Work Phone: 719-423-3548
Email Address: thomas.sanford@pueblod60.org


District: Pueblo County 70
District Code: 2700
Name: Tim Yates
Work Phone: 719-295-6548
Email Address: tyates@district70.org


District: Rangely RE-4
District Code: 2720
Name: Matthew Devore
Work Phone: 970-675-2207
Cell Phone: 801-556-1992
Email Address: Matthew.Devore@rangelyk12.org


District: Revere School District
District Code: 2865
Name: Jim Engelker
Work Phone: 303-585-1212
Email Address: engelkerj@gmail.com


District: Ridgway R-2
District Code: 2590
Name: Kevin Rogers
Work Phone: 970-626-4320
Ext: 1212
Email Address: krogers@ridgway.k12.co.us


District: Roaring Fork RE-1
District Code: 1180
Name: Brandon Beaudette
Work Phone: 970-471-4847
Email Address: bbeaudette@rfschools.com


District: Rocky Ford R-2
District Code: 2530
Name: Cody Ridennourse
Work Phone: 719-254-7423
Email Address: cody.ridennoure@rockyford.k12.co.us


District: Salida R-32-J
District Code: 500
Name: Josh Buckberg
Work Phone: 719-530-5465
Email Address: jbuckberg@SALIDASCHOOLS.ORG


District: San Juan BOCES
District Code: 9050
Name: Jeff Hatfield
Work Phone: 970-247-3261
Ext: 222
Email Address: jhatfield@sjboces.org


District: Sanford 6J
District Code: 560
Name: Mitch Miller
Work Phone: 719-274-5167
Email Address: mmiller@sanfordschools.org


District: Sangre De Cristo RE-22J
District Code: 110
Name: Christy Mortensen
Work Phone: 719 378-2321
Email Address: cmortensen@sangreschools.org


District: Sargent RE-33
District Code: 2750
Name: Patric Sewell
Work Phone: 719-852-4027
Email Address: ptsewell@sargent.k12.co.us


District: School District 27J
District Code: 40
Name: Jeremy Heide
Work Phone: 303-655-2912
Email Address: Jheide@sd27j.net


District: Sheridan 2
District Code: 123
Name: Jolie Baty
Work Phone: 720-833-6999
Email Address: jbaty@ssd2.org


District: Sierra Grande R-30
District Code: 740
Name: Leslie Corona
Work Phone: 719-379-3257
Ext: 1004
Email Address: lcorona@sierragrandeschool.net


District: Silverton 1
District Code: 2820
Name: Jane Edwards
Work Phone: 970-387-5544
Email Address: business@silvertonschool.org


District: South Conejos RE-10
District Code: 580
Name: Weldon Colbert
Work Phone: 719-588-8712
Email Address: wcolbert@southconejos.com


District: South Routt RE-3
District Code: 2780
Name: Eric Dose
Work Phone: 970-846-2280
Email Address: edose@southrouttk12.org


District: Springfield RE-4
District Code: 250
Name: Mark Ricker
Work Phone: 719-523-6522
Email Address: mark.ricker@spre4.org


District: St Vrain Valley RE 1J
District Code: 470
Name: Eric Pierce
Work Phone: 303-702-7738
Email Address: pierce_eric@svvsd.org


District: Steamboat Springs RE-2
District Code: 2770
Name: Tim Miles
Work Phone: 970-871-3184
Email Address: tmiles@sssd.k12.co.us


District: Strasburg 31-J
District Code: 60
Name: Darel Dodge
Work Phone: 303-622-9211
Ext: 880
Email Address: DDodge@strasburg31j.com


District: Stratton R-4
District Code: 1480
Name: Allen Bell
Work Phone: 719-775-2342
Email Address: allenb@ecboces.org


District: Summit RE-1
District Code: 3000
Name: Mikki Grebetz
Work Phone: 970-368-1021
Email Address: mikki.grebetz@summitk12.org


District: Swink 33
District Code: 2570
Name: Scott Eckhart
Work Phone: 719-384-8103
Email Address: scott.eckhart@swink.k12.co.us


District: Telluride R-1
District Code: 2830
Name: Ken Olson
Work Phone: 970-728-6617
Email Address: kolson@telluride.k12.co.us


District: Thompson R2-J
District Code: 1560
Name: Kelly Sain
Work Phone: 970-613-5138
Email Address: Kelly.Sain@tsd.org


District: Trinidad 1
District Code: 1580
Name: Micah Wheeler
Work Phone: 719-845-2060
Email Address: mwheeler@trinidad.k12.co.us


District: Upper Rio Grande School District C-7
District Code: 2730
Name: Ken Groff
Work Phone: 719-657-4040
Email Address: kgroff@del-norte.k12.co.us


District: Valley RE-1
District Code: 1828
Name: Dennis Klein
Work Phone: 970-520-6584
Email Address: kleind@re1valleyschools.org


District: Vilas RE-5
District Code: 260
Name: Leonel Morales
Work Phone: 719-336-9046
Email Address: l.morales@seboces.org


District: Walsh RE-1
District Code: 230
Name: Denise Jones
Work Phone: 719-324-5221
Ext: 109
Email Address: d.jones@walsheagles.com


District: Weld County RE-9 (Ault-Highland)
District Code: 3145
Name: Andy Baker
Work Phone: 970-834-1345
Email Address: abaker@weldre9.k12.co.us


District: Weld County 4 (Windsor)
District Code: 3100
Name: Justin Gray
Work Phone: 970-686-8042
Email Address: justin.gray@weldre4.org


District: Weld County 6 (Greeley)
District Code: 3120
Name: Anthony Czech
Work Phone: 970-348-6509
Ext: 6509
Email Address: aczech@greeleyschools.org


District: Weld County RE 10J (Briggsdale)
District Code: 3146
Name: Scott Fokken
Work Phone: 970-656-3417
Email Address: sfokken@briggsdaleschool.org


District: Weld County RE-1
District Code: 3080
Name: Gerard Torres
Work Phone: 970-350-4201
Email Address: torresg@wcsdre1.org


District: Weld County RE-3(J) (Keenesburg)
District Code: 3090
Name: Jeffery Einerson
Work Phone: 303-536-2013
Email Address: jeffreyeinerson@re3j.com


District: Weld County RE-5J (Johnstown-Milliken)
District Code: 3110
Name: Jeremy Yarrow
Work Phone: 970-803-0654
Email Address: jyarrow@weldre5j.org


District: Weld County RE-8 (Ft. Lupton)
District Code: 3140
Name: Gerald Smith
Work Phone: 303-857-3304
Email Address: gsmith@weld8.org


District: Weldon Valley RE-20 (J)
District Code: 2505
Name: Markoe Hanson
Work Phone: 970-645-2411
Ext: 322
Email Address: markoehanson@weldonvalley.org


District: West End RE-2
District Code: 2190
Name: Torey Kanikowski
Work Phone: 970-428-2287
Email Address: tkanikowski@westendschools.org


District: West Grand 1-JT
District Code: 1340
Name: Dillan Sammons
Work Phone: 970-724-3425
Ext: 2009
Cell Phone: 970-724-0274
Email Address: sammonsd@wgsd.us


District: Westminster Public Schools
District Code: 70
Name: Brady Mills
Work Phone: 303-657-3830
Email Address: bmills@adams50.org


District: Widefield 3
District Code: 990
Name: Carlos Lopez
Work Phone: 719-391-3023
Email Address: lopezc@wsd3.org


District: Wiggins RE-50(J)
District Code: 2515
Name: Mark Pelton
Work Phone: 970-768-3283
Email Address: mpelton@wiggins50.k12.co.us


District: Wiley RE-13 JT
District Code: 2680
Name: Andy Flint
Work Phone: 719-829-4806
Email Address: it_admin@wileyschool.org


District: Woodland Park RE-2
District Code: 3020
Name: Aaron Salt
Work Phone: 719-645-0316
Email Address: asalt@wpsdk12.org


District: Woodlin R-104
District Code: 3070
Name: Larry Bascom
Work Phone: 970-386-2223
Email Address: larry.bascom@woodlinschool.com


District: Wray RD-2
District Code: 3210
Name: TC Travis
Work Phone: 970-332-3761
Email Address: ttravis@wrayschools.org


District: Yuma 1
District Code: 3200
Name: Brandi Clarkson
Work Phone: 970-848-5831
Email Address: clarksonb@yumaschools.net