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New Titles List February 2023 (State Publications Library)
Colorado. Transportation Investment Office.
Annual report.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado High Performance Transportation Enterprise, 2021-
Answer to cancer may be walking right beside us.
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Colorado State University, Flint Animal Cancer Center, 2017.
Archaic period architectural sites in Colorado (Online).
Archaic period architectural sites in Colorado : multiple property listing. (PDF)
[Denver, Colo.] : [Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Colorado Historical Society], [1990].
Bathtub ring (Online).
The bathtub ring : shrinking Lake Mead : impacts on water supply, hydropower, recreation and the environment (PDF) / Ning Jiang, Season Martin, Julia Morton, Skyler Murphy ; faculty advisor: Naomi Tague.
[Boulder, Colo.] : [Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment], Western Water Policy Program, 2015.
Bromus inermis / by F.L. Watrous, H.H. Griffin and J.E. Payne.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1901.
Colorado 12, scenic highway of legends (PDF).
Colorado 12, scenic highway of legends : a guide to the historic beauty of southern Colorado, state highway 12, Trinidad-Walsenburg.
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado Department of Natural Resources], [1988].
Colorado accommodations guide (Online).
Colorado accommodations guide. (PDF)
[Denver, Colo.] : [State of Colorado, Division of Commerce and Development, Office of Tourism], [1981].
Colorado catch cookbook (Online).
Colorado catch cookbook : wild game and fish recipes (PDF) / Colorado Division of Wildlife ; Colorado Wildlife Federation ; edited by Patricia Trahey ; wildlife summaries by Steve Blomeke ; design by Ann Douden ; cover photographs by Wendy Shattil and Robert Rozinski.
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado Wildlife Federation], 1987.
Colorado minimum wage order number 35 fact sheet (2020).
Colorado minimum wage order number 35 fact sheet. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Division of Labor Standards and Statistics, 2020.
Colorado public school dropout data annual report (Online).
Colorado public school dropout data annual report.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Education.
Colorado public school dropout report (Online).
Colorado public school dropout report.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Education, Pupil Services Unit.
Colorado public school dropout report.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Education, Pupil Services Unit.
Colorado River, frequently asked law & policy questions (Online).
Colorado River, frequently asked law & policy questions. (PDF)
Boulder, Colo. : Colorado River Governance Initiative, Natural Resources Law Center, University of Colorado - Boulder, 2011.
Colorado water plan 2023. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Water Conservation Board, 2023.
Colorado's dinosaurs (Online).
Colorado's dinosaurs (PDF) / by John T. Jenkins, Jr. and Jannice L. Jenkins ; pen and ink and charcoal drawings by Donna Braginetz ; maps drawn by Larry Scott and Ty Ortiz.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Geological Survey, 1993.
Dinosaur lake (Online).
Dinosaur lake : the story of the Purgatoire Valley dinosaur tracksite area (PDF) / Martin G. Lockley, Barbara J. Fillmore, Lori Marquardt.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Geological Survey, 1997.
Effects of recent high flows on selected reaches of the upper Colorado River (PDF) / by John Pitlick, Mark Van Steeter and Margaret Franseen ; submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Boulder, CO : Department of Geography, University of Colorado, 1996.
The feeding value of beet pulp ; Feeding beet pulp and sugar beets to cows / by B.C. Buffum and C.J. Griffith.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1902.
Growing Readers Together early literacy tips. Spanish.
Growing Readers Together consejo de alfabetización.
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado State Library] Growing Readers Together : Buell Foundation, 2018.
Growing Readers Together early literacy tips.
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado State Library] Growing Readers Together : Buell Foundation, 2018.
High achieving schools study / [report authors: Nazanin Mohajeri-Nelson and eight others].
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Education, 2014-15.
Home and community based services provider scorecard.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, 2016.
Lamb feeding experiments 1900-1902 / by B.C. Buffum and C.J. Griffith.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1902.
Pasture grasses ; Leguminous crops ; Cantaloupe blight / by H.H. Griffin.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1902.
Place to call home-- forever (Online).
A place to call home-- forever : over 100 Colorado children still wait : a report to the Governor, the Legislature, and the citizens of Colorado (PDF) / from the Colorado Developmental Disabilities Planning Council.
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, [1995].
Potato failures (1902).
Potato failures : a preliminary report / by F.M. Rolfs.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1902.
Ready for solid foods starting at about 6 months of age (PDF).
Ready for solid foods starting at about 6 months of age.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Prevention Services Division, [2016].
Regional accountable entity behavioral health incentive specification document.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, Accountable Care Collaborative, 2019-
Relation of bovine to human tuberculosis / G.H. Glover. Tuberculin tests of the college herd / B.C. Buffum.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1901.
Safe2Tell Colorado.
Safe2Tell Colorado ... data report (Spanish).
Safe2Tell Colorado ... informe de datos.
Denver, Colo. : Safe2Tell Colorado, 2022-
Saving pets saves people : an overview of community animal disaster planning.
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Colorado State University, Extension, [2015].
A soil study. Part IV, Ground water / by William P. Headden.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1902.
State systemic improvement plan.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Education, Exceptional Student Services Unit, 2015-2020.
Ready for finger foods starting at about 9 months of age Spanish.
Su bebé está listo para alimentos que puede tomar con la mano a partir de lost 9 meses de edad. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Prevention Services Division, [2016].
Ready for solid foods starting at about 6 months of age (Spanish).
Su bebé está listo para los alimentos sólidos a partir de los 6 meses de edad. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Prevention Services Division, [2016].
Sugary drink consumption in Colorado. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Prevention Services Division, 2016.
Sustainable brewery initiative. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, [Pollution Prevention Program], 2018.
Sustainable cleaning & sanitizing food manufacturing : fact sheet. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, [Pollution Prevention Program], [2020].
Sustainable coffee roasters. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, [Pollution Prevention Program], 2020.
Sustainable commercial bakeries. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, [Pollution Prevention Program], [2020].
Sustainable dairy production : minimize costs, reduce risk, eliminate waste. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, [Pollution Prevention Program], 2016.
Sustainable food manufacturing : minimize costs, reduce risk, eliminate waste. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, [Pollution Prevention Program], 2016.
Sustainable hazardous waste generators : minimize costs, reduce risk eliminate waste. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Pollution Prevention Program, [2016].
Swine feeding in Colorado / by B.C. Buffum and C.J. Griffith.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1902.
The tomato industry of the Arkansas Valley / by H.H. Griffin.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1903.
Understanding how the gas cost adjustment works (2021). (PDF)
Understanding how the gas cost adjustment works.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Public Utilities Commission, Consumer Affairs, 2021.
Unirrigated lands of eastern Colorado : seven years' study / by J.E. Payne.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1903.
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