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New Titles List February 2024 (State Publications Library)



2020 Colorado dry bean variety performance trials.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : Extension, 2019.

2020 Colorado sunflower variety performance trials.
[Fort Collins, Colo] : Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil & Crop Sciences : Extension, [2020].

2020 Colorado winter wheat variety performance trials.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : Extension, [2020].

2020 Colorado winter wheat variety performance trials. (PDF)
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : Extension, [2020].


2021 Colorado corn variety performance trials.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : Extension, 2021.

2021 Colorado dry bean variety performance trials.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : Extension, [2021].

2021 sorghum hybrid performance trials in eastern Colorado.
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : Extension, 2022.

2022 Colorado dry bean variety performance trials.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : Extension, [2022].

2022 Colorado sunflower variety performance trials.
[Fort Collins, Colo] : Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil & Crop Sciences : Extension, [2022].

2022 Colorado winter wheat variety performance trials.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : Extension, [2022].

2022 sorghum hybrid performance trials in eastern Colorado.
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : Extension, 2023.

2023 Colorado dry bean variety performance trials.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : Extension, [2022].

2023 Colorado statewide inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and sinks with historical emissions from 2005 to 2020 and projected emissions from 2021 through 2050 final publication (PDF) / authored by the Climate Change Program's Inventory and Reporting Unit: Matthew Twyman and [three others].
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Air Pollution Control Division, 2023.


2023 forestry best management practices to protect water quality in Colorado.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Colorado State Forest Service, 2023.


Colorado. Department of Regulatory Agencies. Office of Policy, Research, and Regulatory Reform.
2023 sunrise review, funeral service professionals. (PDF)
[Denver, Colo.] : Department of Regulatory Agencies, Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform, 2023.


Colorado. Department of Regulatory Agencies. Office of Policy, Research, and Regulatory Reform.
2023 sunrise review, intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring technologists (PDF) / Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform.
Denver, CO : Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform, 2023.


Colorado. Department of Regulatory Agencies. Office of Policy, Research, and Regulatory Reform.
2023 sunrise review, private security guards. (PDF)
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Office of Policy, Research, and Regulatory Reform, 2023.


Colorado. Department of Regulatory Agencies. Office of Policy, Research, and Regulatory Reform.
2023 sunrise review, speech-language pathology assistants. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform, 2023.


Colorado. Department of Regulatory Agencies. Office of Policy, Research, and Regulatory Reform.
2023 sunset review, Connect Colorado to Enhance Economic Development, Telehealth, Education and Safety Act. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Office of Policy, Research, and Regulatory Reform, 2023.


Colorado. Department of Regulatory Agencies. Office of Policy, Research, and Regulatory Reform.
2023 sunset review, regulation of nontransplant tissue banks. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Office of Policy, Research, and Regulatory Reform, 2023.


Colorado. Division of Youth Services.
Annual report / Division of Youth Services.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Division of Youth Services, Office of Children, Youth & Families, 2019-

Colorado. Department of Military Affairs.
Annual report of the Department of Military Affairs. 
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Military Affairs, -1988.


Before you purchase in an HOA Spanish.
Antes de comprar en una HOA. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Centro de información y recursos de HOA, [2017].


Avalanche characteristics and structure response : East Riverside Avalanche Shed, Highway 550, Ouray County, Colorado  (PDF) / Art Mears.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Transportation, Division of Transportation Development, [1992].


A bacterial stem blight of field and garden peas / by Walter G. Sackett.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1916.


Before you purchase in an HOA. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, HOA Information and Resource Center, [2017].


Colorado. Office of the Adjutant General.
Biennial report of the Adjutant-General of the State of Colorado.
Denver, Colo. : Office of the Adjutant General, 1881- 

CBI Instacheck Unit.
CBI Instacheck Unit statistics.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Bureau of Investigation, 2020- 

CDOT flex-post rockfall fence (PDF) / George Hearn.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Transportation [Division of Transportation Development], [1991].


CHLORCAL90, Colorado Department of Highways chloride content evaluation program for reinforced concrete bridge decks (PDF) / by Arne B. Riple and Bruce A. Suprenant.
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado Department of Transportation [Division of Transportation Development], [1992].


Colorado Department of Transportation asphalt pavement white paper (PDF) / CDOT Advisory Team.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Transportation [Division of Transportation Development], [1992].


Colorado State Capitol grounds cultural landscape report (PDF) / prepared for Colorado Legislative Council of the Colorado General Assembly ; prepared by Mundus Bishop.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Legislative Council, 2019.


Health Services Advisory Group, Inc.
Compliance review report for Colorado Access Region 3.
Phoenix, AZ : Health Services Advisory Group, 2023-


Conservation easement tax credit, performance audit, Division of Real Estate and Department of Revenue response to recommendation no. 10. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Department of Revenue, Division of Real Estate, 2012.


Construction defect laws and issues (PDF) / Matt Kiszka.
Denver, CO : Colorado Legislative Council, 2015.


Cooperative services handbook for youth in transition : a supplement to the CDE/ DVR cooperative agreement / Colorado Department of Education and Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Education, Exceptional Student Services Unit : Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, 2014.


Covenants, bylaws, rules & regulations. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, HOA Information and Resource Center, [2017].


Crop water use and growth stages (PDF) / by M.M. Al-Kaisi and I. Broner.
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Colorado State University Extension, 2014.


Dense graded concrete (PDF) / Ahmad Ardani.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Transportation, [Division of Transportation Development], [1993].


The Dethridge meter / by V.M. Cone.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Colorado Agricultural College, 1915.

Diffuse and spotted knapweed (PDF) / by K.G. Beck.
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, [2013].


Effect of magnesium chloride on asphalt pavements (PDF) / by Werner Hutter.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Transportation, Research Branch, [1999].


ERPO model policy acceptance, storage, and return of firearms CRS 13-14.5-101, Deputy Zackari Parrish III Violence Protection Act. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Peace Officer Standards and Training, [2019].


Evergreen shrubs (PDF) / J.E. Klett and R.A. Cox.
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, [2017].


Evergreen trees (PDF) / by R.A. Cox and J.E. Klett.
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, [2014].


Federal Bonding Program (Colorado : Print).
The Federal Bonding Program.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Workforce Center, 2008.

Fertilizing potatoes (PDF) / by J.D. Davis, R.D. Davidson and S.Y.C. Essah.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Colorado State University Extension, [2014].


Fiber pave, polypropylene fiber (PDF) / Donna S. Harmelink.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Transportation [Division of Transportation Development] [1992].


Forage crops for the Colorado plains / by Alvin Kezer.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1915.

The forcing of strawberries / by Florence I. Kinnison.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1917.

Frequently asked questions for tenants and landlords evictions, foreclosures, rent and mortgage payments. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Division of Housing, 2020.


Funding mechanisms and fiscal notes (PDF) / from: Bill Zepernick, Erin Reynolds, Greg Sobetski..
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Legislative Council, 2023.


Gilsonite, an asphalt modifier (PDF) / Donna S. Harmelink.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Transportation, [1992].


HOA Information & Research Center (2017).
HOA Information & Research Center. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, HOA Information and Resource Center, [2017].


Hog cholera control / by Geo. H. Glover. Necrotic stomatitis / by I.E. Newsom.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1914.

Honeylocust diseases (PDF)
Honeylocust diseases / William R. Jacobi.
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, 1994.


How to handle HOA disputes (2017) (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, HOA Information and Resource Center, [2017].


Colorado. General Assembly. Joint Technology Committee.
Joint Technology Committee : annual report to the Colorado General Assembly. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Legislative Council, 2024.


Living with wolves : how to avoid wildlife conflicts.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Parks & Wildlife, [2023].

Colorado. State Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers, and Professional Land Surveyors.
Local officials' guide to architecture, engineering & land surveying (2013). (PDF)
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado State Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors, 2013.


Colorado. State Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers, and Professional Land Surveyors.
Local officials' guide to architecture, engineering & land surveying (2015). (PDF)
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado State Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors, 2015.


Moths in the home (PDF) / by W.S. Cranshaw.
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, [1997].


Native vegetation and climate of Colorado in their relation to agriculture / by Wilfred W. Robbins.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1917.

Northwest Colorado socioeconomic analysis and forecasts executive summary : socioeconomic forecasts, fiscal projections, model documentation (PDF) / prepared for Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado ; prepared by BBC Research & Consulting.
Denver, Colo. : BBC Research & Consulting, 2008.


The onion in Colorado / E.R. Bennett.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1914.

Overview of ground-level ozone in Colorado. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Legislative Council, 2023.


Plainsman Research Center 2020 research reports.
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : Extension ; [Walsh, CO] : Plainsman Research Center, [2021].


Plainsman Research Center 2020 research reports. (PDF)
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : Extension ; [Walsh, CO] : Plainsman Research Center, [2020].


Plainsman Research Center 2021 research reports.
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : Extension ; [Walsh, CO] : Plainsman Research Center, [2022].

Plainsman Research Center 2022 research reports.
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Agricultural Experiment Station : College of Agricultural Sciences : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : Extension ; [Walsh, CO] : Plainsman Research Center, [2023].

Polyethylene pipes for use as highway culverts (PDF)
Polyethylene pipes for use as highway culverts / Thomas R. Hunt.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Transportation [Division of Transportation Development] ; [Springfield, Va.] : [Available through the National Technical Information Service], [1991].


Frequently asked questions for tenants and landlords evictions, foreclosures, rent and mortgage payments Spanish.
Preguntas frecuentes para inquilinos y arrendadores desalojos, ejecuciones hipotecarias, pagos de renta e hipoteca. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Division of Housing, 2020.


Recommended local strategic approaches for COVID-19 response for individuals experiencing homelessness and requesting FEMA public assistance. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Division of Housing, 2020.


Colorado. Department of Health Care Policy and Financing.
Regulatory agenda.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing, 2013- 2016.


Colorado. Department of Health Care Policy and Financing.
Regulatory agenda and regulatory agenda report.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing, 2017-


Colorado. Department of Military Affairs.
Report to the Governor / State of Colorado, Department of Military Affairs.
Denver, Colo. : Department of Military Affairs, 1988-2002.


Research '92 : reality and vision, today and tomorrow (PDF) / editor, Beth Moore ; contributors, David Woodham [and others].
[Denver, Colo.] : [Research Branch, Division of Transportation Development, Colorado Department of Transportation], [1993].


Responsible brokers and individual proprietors regarding E&O insurance renewal requirements : a Division of Real Estate broker advisory. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Division of Real Estate, 2019.


Silos and silage in Colorado / by H.E. Dvorachek.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1914.

Health Services Advisory Group, Inc.
Site review report for Colorado Access Region 3.
Phoenix, AZ : Health Services Advisory Group, 2019-2022.


Colorado. Peace Officer Standards and Training Board.
Skills proficiency manual  : skills exam descriptions and testing requirements for provisional and renewal applicants. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado POST, 2019.



A snapshot of local government fiscal impacts from COVID-19 survey summary (PDF) / survey conducted in partnership by Department of Local Affairs, Colorado Counties, Inc., Colorado Municipal League, and Special District Association of Colorado.
Denver, Colo. : Department of Local Affairs, Division of Local Government, [2020].


Social media, fentanyl & illegal drug sales (PDF) / a report from the Colorado Department of Law.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Law, 2023.


Special district administration & elections frequently asked questions (2019). (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Department of Local Affairs, Division of Local Government, [2019].


Special polymer modified asphalt cement (PDF) / Donna S. Harmelink.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Transportation, [1992].


Colorado. General Assembly. Legislative Council. Statewide Health Care Review Committee.
Statewide Health Care Review Committee : final report to the Colorado General Assembly. (PDF)
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado Legislative Council, 2023.


Statutory reports sent to Joint Business Committee (PDF) / from Jeanette Chapman.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Legislative Council, 2023.


Studies of health in potatoes / by C.L. Fitch.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1915.

A study of Colorado wheat. Part II  / by W.P. Headden.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1916.

A study of Colorado wheat. Part III  / by W.P. Headden.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1916.


Unbonded PCCP overlay, project IR-25-3(77). (PDF) / Ahmad Ardani.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Transportation, [1989].


Understanding HOA meetings in Colorado. (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, HOA Information Office and Resource Center, 2017.


The use of fly ash in structural concrete (PDF) / Dave Woodham.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Dept. of Transportation [Division of Transportation Planning], 1991.


A user experience with HYDRAIN (PDF) / Gary Johnson.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Transportation, [Division of Transportation Development], [1992].

Vegetable growing in Colorado ; Hot beds and cold frames / by R.A. McGinty.
Common insects of the garden / by C.P. Gillette.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural College of Colorado, 1914.


Colorado. General Assembly. Legislative Council. Water Resources and Agriculture Review Committee.
Water Resources and Agriculture Review Committee final report to the Colorado General Assembly. (PDF)
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado Legislative Council, 2023.


Your rights as an electric or natural gas utility customer (2020). (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Public Utilities Commission, Consumer Affairs, 2020.


Zika virus & disease-related scams (PDF) / Attorney General.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Attorney-General's Office, Consumer Protection Section, [2016].


Zinc fertilizer efficiency ratios / [Tim Shaver and Dwayne G. Westfall].
[Fort Collins, Colo.] : Agricultural Experiment Station : Department of Soil and Crop Sciences : College of Agricultural Sciences : Colorado State University Extension, [2008].