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New Titles List April 2023 (State Publications Library)

Air emissions case study related to oil and gas development in Erie, Colorado (PDF). Denver, Colo. : Air Pollution Control Division, Technical Services Program, 2012 -2014.

Air monitoring sensor guidance fact sheet (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division, 2019.

Air pollutant emission notice (APEN) and permitting requirements for internal combustion engines in Colorado (2015) (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Air Pollution Control Division, Small Business Assistance Program, [2015].

Air Pollution Control Division Technical Services Program Quality assurance project plan (PDF) / prepared by the Technical Services Program, Air Pollution Control Division.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Air Pollution Control Division, Technical Services Program, 2015.

Air quality modeling analysis for the Denver early action ozone compact.
Evaluation of MM5 simulations of the summer of '02, Denver ozone season and embedded high 8-hr ozone episodes (PDF) / prepared for Denver Regional Air Quality Council ; prepared by Dennis E. McNally, T.W. Tesche, and Ralph E. Morris.
Ft. Wright, KY : Alpine Geophysics ; Novato, CA : ENVIRON International Corporation, 2003.

Air quality requirements for surface mining operations (2015) (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado Air Pollution Control Division, Small Business Assistance Program, 2015.

Colorado. Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division.
Air screening concentrations table (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division, [2012].

Colorado. Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division.
Air screening concentrations table (2016) (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division, [2016].

Air toxics standard for miscellaneous surface coating operations at area sources, final rule : fact sheet. (2014) (PDF)
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division, Small Business Assistance Program, 2014.

Air toxics standard for paint stripping operations at area sources, final rule : fact sheet (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Air Pollution Control Division, Small Business Assistance Program, 2014.

Alternative AIMM guidance & procedures (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division, 2019.

Archaeological excavations in Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado-Utah, 1964-1965 (PDF) / assembled by David A. Breternitz.
Boulder, Colo. : University of Colorado Press, 1970.

Archaeological excavations in the northern Sierra Madre Occidental, Chihuahua and Sonora, Mexico (PDF)  / by Robert H. Lister with reports by Paul C. Mangelsdorf and Kate Peck Kent.
Boulder, Colo. : University of Colorado Press, 1958.

Bat week.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 2016.

Big game backpack.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 2011-2012.

Bird and mammal inventory of the Rio Blanco Lake State Wildlife Area, Rio Blanco County, Colorado / Brian E. Holmes.
Denver, Colorado : Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 2023.

Black-footed ferret release.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 2017.

Black-footed ferrets (2013).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 2013.

Brazilian free tailed bats.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 2014.

Civil Asset Forfeiture and Seizure Reporting [electronic resource] : SMART Act report.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Division of Local Government, 2022-

Coldwater lake and reservoir research ... annual report (Print).
Fort Collins, Colo. : Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Aquatic Research Section,

Colorado Air Quality Control Commission's 2017 revisions to regulation number 7, oil and gas emissions fact sheet (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division, 2017.

Colorado Air Quality Control Commission's 2019 revisions to regulation number 7, oil and gas emissions and regulation number 3, permitting and APENs fact sheet (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division, 2020.

Colorado mineral and energy industry activities 2020-2021 (PDF) / by Michael K. O'Keeffe.
[Golden, Colo.] : Colorado Geological Survey, 2022.

Colorado mineral and energy industry activities 2021-2022 (PDF) / by Michael K. O'Keeffe.
[Golden, Colo.] : Colorado Geological Survey, 2023.

Colorful Colorado invites you! / [State of Colorado, Division of Commerce and Development, text by Dabney Otis Collins].
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado Division of Commerce and Development].

Conservation at the intersection : examining residents' perceptions of and preferences for wildlife, outdoor recreation, and development (PDF)/ Mike Quartuch.
Denver, Colorado : Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 2022.

Cutthroat trout studies.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Aquatic Research Section, 2020-

Desert bighorn horn measurements.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 2021- 

Energy issues in Colorado's future (PDF).
Golden, Colo. : Colorado Energy Research Institute, [1980].

Essential habitat for threatened or endangered wildlife in Colorado (PDF) / Wildlife Management Section, Division of Wildlife, Department of Natural Resources, State of Colorado
[Denver, Colo.] : Wildlife Management Section, Division of Wildlife, Department of Natural Resources, 1978.

Everyone's nature (PDF) / by Carol Hunter written for the Colorado Division of Wildlife.
Cambridge, Minn. : Adventure Publications, [2002].

Exploratory analysis of ozone dynamics in the Pueblo region during summer 2015 (PDF) / prepared by the Technical Services Program, Air Pollution Control Division, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division, Technical Services Program, 2016.

Exploring nuances in Colorado's big game license distribution system : perspectives from resident and nonresident hunters / Mike Quartuch.
Denver, Colorado : Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 2022.

Fact sheet--Air quality requirements for autobody shops (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado Small Business Assistance Program, Air Pollution Control Division], [2014].

Fences for man and beast : an illustrated guide to friendly fencing for livestock and wildlife (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.?] : Colorado Division of Wildlife, [1994?].

Field report, the Dolores River (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Natural Resources, Colorado Water Conservation Board, Flood Protection Section, 2001.

Fishing close to home : a guide to the lakes and streams along the central Front Range open to public fishing (PDF) / by Phil Goebel.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Division of Wildlife, [2006].

Foster Care Success Act annual evaluation report.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Education, Foster Care Education Program, 2023-

A guide to air emission requirements for aluminum sweat furnaces (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado Small Business Assistance Program, Air Pollution Control Division, 2014.

A guide to air permitting requirements for crematories (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado Small Business Assistance Program, Air Pollution Control Division, [2015].

A guide to air permitting requirements for incinerators (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division, Small Business Assistance Program, 2014.

A guide to air regulations for gasoline and diesel fuel dispensing stations (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado Small Business Assistance Program, Air Pollution Control Division, [2015].

A guide to hazardous waste and air requirements for used oil space heaters (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Small Business Assistance Program, 2014.

How to catch trout (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Division of Wildlife, [1991].

In her nature.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 2017.

Indoor air quality after a wildfire (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Laboratory Services Division, 2012.

LED eastern region : Colorado local employment dynamics (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Labor Market Information], 2013.

LED San Luis Valley : Colorado local employment dynamics (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Labor Market Information], 2014.

LED Teller County : Colorado local employment dynamics. (PDF)
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Labor Market Information], 2014.

Linking hunting access and chronic wasting disease : a case study from northeastern Colorado / Mike Quartuch.
Denver, Colorado : Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 2023.

Living in Colorado (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.] : [State of Colorado, Division of Commerce and Development, Community Development Section], [1973].

Martin the Martian learns to fish (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado Division of Wildlife], [1987].

Mountain lion-human interaction : symposium and workshop April 24-26, 1991, Denver, Colorado (PDF) / Clait E. Braun, editor.
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado Division of Wildlife, [1991].

NESHAP requirements for gasoline distribution bulk terminals, bulk plants and pipeline facilities (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado Air Pollution Control Division, Small Business Assistance Program], 2014.

NESHAP requirements for hazardous air pollutants for gasoline dispensing facilities (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado Air Pollution Control Division, Small Business Assistance Program], 2014.

Preparedness alerts.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 2012-2017.

A Q&A for Colorado farmers, producers & vendors school food sales and geographic preference (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Laboratory Services Division, 2011.

A Q&A for Colorado school food purchasing, school food procurement and geographic preference (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Laboratory Services Division, 2011.

Reporting your air emissions and applying for air permits : step-by-step for Colorado small businesses (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division, Small Business Assistance Program, [2017].

Revisions to Colorado Air Quality Control Commission's regulation numbers 3, 6, and 7 fact sheet (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division, 2014.

Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep horn measurements.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 2021- 

Rocky Mtn. and desert bighorn horn measurements.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Division of Wildlife, 2009-2020.

Rural school buildings in Colorado : multiple property listing (PDF) / Suzanne Doggett and Holly Wilson.
[Denver, Colo.] : [State Historic Preservation Office, Colorado Historical Society], [1999?].

School libraries survey report 2022-23 (PDF) / Amy Bahlenhorst.
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Library Research Service, 2023.

Seizure and Forfeiture Activity Report 
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Division of Local Government, 2019-2021.

South central workforce region labor market information (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Labor Market Information], [2016].

Southeast workforce region labor market information (PDF).
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Labor Market Information], [2016].

State emergency operations plan (PDF) / Colorado Department of Public Safety Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
[Centennial, CO] : Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Planning Section, 2015.

State of Colorado ambient air monitoring data supporting Denver Metro/North Front Range state implementation plan for the 2008 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment [Air Pollution Control Division]; Regional Air Quality Council, 2016.

State of Colorado emergency operations plan all-hazards resource mobilization annex 2016-2017 (PDF) / Colorado Department of Public Safety Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
[Centennial, CO] : Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 2015.

Your sexual health. (Spanish).
Su salud sexual (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 2013.

Synopsis of Colorado water law (PDF) / [by Joseph (Jody) Grantham].
[Denver, Colo.] : [Colorado Division of Water Resources], [2008].

Tarantulas : they may be crawly, but are they really so creepy?
[Denver, Colo.] : Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife, 2020.

FORVIS (Firm).
University of Colorado financial and compliance report for the years ended June 30, 2022 and 2021.
[Denver, Colo.] : FORVIS 2022.
Colorado State Auditor.

Your sexual health (PDF).
Denver, Colo. : Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 2013.