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 PWR Practices


Practitioners from districts, schools, and organizations have submitted their promising practices for the PWR Playbook. Copy, adapt, and share them! Each practice strives to meet the following criteria:

  • Comprehensive, integrated, high quality, equitable
  • Whole teams are involved
  • Integrated through curriculum and grade levels
  • Shared responsibility
  • Evidence that the process is empowering to students
  • Easy to adopt/adapt
  • Aligned to Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) opportunities
  • Measurable

Searchable Database

This searchable database includes processes, implementation action steps, resources, and tools that schools and districts have developed 1) to create/refine their ICAP process and 2) to develop systems that empower students to own their ICAP process and achieve Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness.

Please contact Robin Russel to find out how to submit your practice(s).


Career Conversation Starters in Spanish

The Career Conversations Starters provide a guide for working with students,...

Career Exploration Guide - ACC

Career Navigator, Sarah Homer, developed this practical guide so that students could navigate...

CTE - Best Practices for Career Development

Each Colorado learner deserves the opportunity to explore career options and receive...

CTE - Career and Technical Education

Colorado Career & Technical Education (CTE) leverages workforce and education systems so...

CTE - Plans of Study Presentations

This presentation walks students through a Plan of Study in their CTE classes. I shared the...

- Mesa County Valley 51

CTE - Video

Learn about CTE means to students and graduates of CTE programs

Digital Portfolios

Digital Portfolios are a way for students to take ownership of their learning and mastery of a...

- District 49
