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Annual Restraint Review Report Submission Form


Colorado State Board of Education 

Please select your school district from the dropdown area below.



2.05 (2)(a)

2.05(2)(a) Each school district and institute charter school shall establish a review process for restraints, conduct the review process at least annually, and document the results of the review process in an Annual Restraint Review Report.


2.05(2)(b) The purpose of the annual review process is to ascertain that the school district or institute charter school is properly administering restraint, identifying additional training needs, minimizing and preventing the use of restraint by increasing the use of positive behavior interventions, and reducing the incidence of injury to students and staff.









2.05(2)(c) In a written Annual Restraint Review Report, school districts and institute charter schools shall report the following data:  

2.05(2)(c)(i) Document the number of students restrained in a year and the total number of restraints in a year. 


Please provide differentiated information for mechanical and prone restraints, if any, that were administered by safety employees under the exceptions in sections 2.02(b)(ii) or 2.02(d)(ii). 

2.02(2)(b) “Mechanical Restraints” shall not be used by public education agencies, except: 
2.02(2)(b)(i) When mechanical restraints are used on a student who is openly displaying a deadly weapon, as defined in Section 2.00(3). 
2.02(2)(b)(ii) When used by armed security officers or certified peace officers employed by a school of a school district, charter school of a school district, or institute charter school who: 
Have received documented training in defensive tactics utilizing handcuffing procedures and restraint tactics utilizing prone holds; and 
Have made a referral to a law enforcement agency. 
2.02(2)(b)(iii) Referral to a law enforcement agency will have the same meaning as defined in C.R.S. § 22-32-109.1(1)(f). “Armed” is defined as lawfully carrying a firearm as a part of the officer’s job duties. 

2.02(2)(d) “Prone restraint” shall not be used by public education agencies except: 

2.02(2)(d)(i) When prone restraints are used on a student who is openly displaying a deadly weapon, as defined in Section 2.00(3). 

2.02(2)(d)(ii) When used by armed security officers or certified peace officers employed by a school of a school district, charter school of a school district, or institute charter school who: 

Have received documented training in defensive tactics utilizing handcuffing procedures and restraint tactics utilizing prone holds; and 

Have made a referral to a law enforcement agency  

Safe Schools Reopening Grant (SSRG) Application

In partnership with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to announce a one-time $15 million grant funding opportunity for school districts, charter schools, and BOCES that are struggling to return to in-person learning and need additional resources to safely reopen when possible.