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Supports for Specific Student Groups

Wellbeing and Connectedness Banner Student Groups

Specific Populations: Wellbeing and Connectedness

In addition to the recommendations and resources listed above that are inclusive of every student, the following resources are specific to students at particular risk of feeling disconnected. Students with disabilities or exceptional learning needs, students learning English (EL), students who are without homes or who are in foster care, students who migrate and others.

While the Colorado Department of Education does not endorse the external resources linked on this page, links are provided to help school and district leaders identify and evaluate resources.

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Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities may experience difficulties with establishing and maintaining relationships with teachers and peers. They may be disproportionately affected by the effects of the pandemic. Educators need to emphasize and assure accessibility to instruction and socialization.

Students Who Are English Learners

English Learners (ELs), immigrant students, and students who are migrating may experience equity gaps due to language and income.

Students Who Are Gifted

Without proper support and targeted interventions, gifted learners are at risk of underachievement, disillusionment, and disengagement.

Students Who Are Experiencing Homelessness, in Foster Care, or Are At Risk of Dropping Out

Children experiencing homelessness and those in foster care may have a difficult time with social skills due to lack of experience, personal trauma, or other factors. They may be reluctant to form relationships with peers and teachers.