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Planning Instruction and Interventions Best Practices

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The resources in this section focus on foundation considerations when planning for instruction and intervention.

Colorado Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Response planning for instruction and intervention should occur within a research-based framework. Colorado's Multi-Tiered System of Supports (COMTSS) is a framework that can be applied at the district and school level to create one integrated system. This system is designed to support the needs of all students. MTSS resources and tools are organized by: team driven shared leadership, data-based problem solving and decision-making, family, school, and community partnering, layered continuum of supports, and evidence-based practices. Districts and schools can access free, online professional learning modules through the MTSS Online Academy.

Colorado's Academic Standards

The Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) articulate what students should know, understand, and be able to do for each grade level and content are. CDE's standards resources assist districts and educators in implementing the standards. Effective implementation involves building standards literacy, aligning curriculum, conducting a gap analysis, filling gaps , and ensuring high impact instruction for all content areas.

Major Improvement Strategy Guides

The Major Improvement Strategy Guides help schools and districts better understand what research says about strategies that are commonly used in Unified Improvement Plans. Strategy topics include: Summer School, High-Dosage Tutoring, Attendance, Learning Loss Recovery, Teacher Retention, and Distributive Leadership.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Instruction and intervention occurs within an MTSS framework, which includes intentional focus on the behavioral needs of students. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a prevention-based framework for organizing evidence-based behavioral supports into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social outcomes for all students. Resources are organized by a tiered continuum of support and include sample teaming documents, school and classroom expectations, behavioral management strategies, PBIS training, and coaching material.

CCSSO High-Quality Curriculum and Resources

Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) High-Quality Curriculum and Resources document includes recommendations for free, high-quality curricular materials in ELA, mathematics, and science that can be used in both in-person and remote learning settings.

Hybrid Learning Guide

CDE's Hybrid Learning Guide was developed to aid in the planning and implementation of hybrid models as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The guide is designed for Colorado schools that need to transition to a hybrid learning model for instruction.

Remote Learning Guidance and Supports

The Office of Blended and Online Learning maintains a page for schools and districts to access information and guidance related to remote learning. This page includes: guidance for using Colorado Empowered Learning, online options guidance for the 2020-21 school year and beyond, a listing of active online schools and programs across the state, networking opportunities for educators providing virtual/remote learning, and engagement opportunities with staff from CDE.

TNTP Learning Acceleration Guide

The New Teacher Project's (TNTP) Learning Acceleration Guide gives educators an alternative to typical approaches to remediation (such as "meeting students where they are") by encouraging accelerating learning with grade-appropriate content and strong instruction.

Rethinking Intervention

The Rethinking Intervention project from Instruction Partners is a series of conversations with education leaders, researchers, and practitioners who think deeply about what drives and challenges “intervention” and how we can accelerate student learning after many months away from school.

EdResearch and Recovery

EdResearch for Recovery Project has developed evidence briefs to inform recovery strategies. Based on a developing list of questions from policymakers and practitioners, a variety of evidence briefs are provided by topic area (e.g. student learning, school climate, supporting all students).