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WSCC Physical Education and Physical Activity
Physical Education and Physical Activity
A comprehensive school physical activity program supports physical education and youth physical activity. It reflects strong coordination across five components: physical education, physical activity during school, physical activity before and after school, staff involvement, and family and community engagement. Physical education is the foundation of a comprehensive program, and is an academic subject for grades PK-12. Curriculum should be based on the Colorado physical education standards, and classes should be taught by certified or licensed teachers endorsed.
What's New!
The Colorado Health and Wellness through Comprehensive Quality Physical Education Instruction Pilot Program Legislative declaration 22-99-11 created the Comprehensive Quality Physical Education Instruction Pilot Program Grant. The intent of the grant is to address the barriers to implement quality comprehensive physical education instruction programs based in the model physical education policy. The purpose is to develop a pilot program and funding to schools or districts to implement model policies and physical education for all students. The Colorado Department of Education funded four schools for a three-year grant program, approximately $80,000 per school year to implement the grant focus areas. The University of Northern Colorado has been funded to support evaluation of the efficacy and effectiveness of Comprehensive Quality Physical Education Instructional Pilot Program. The following schools have been funded:
- Skogland Middle School and Haskin Elementary School - Center Consolidated School District 26JT
- McAullife Manual Middle School - Denver Public Schools
- B.F. Kitchen Elementary - Thompson School District
Implement the 2020 Colorado Academic Standards
During the Spring of 2018, the State Board of Education approved revisions to the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS), as required by statute. This approval completed the first four phases of the standards review and revision timeline, moving Colorado into the final two phases ending in full implementation of the CAS. CDE's Office of Standards and Instructional Support is committed to supporting districts to take full advantage of the two-year transition period to the revised CAS, with appropriate and meaningful attention given to curriculum, instruction, assessment, professional learning, communications, and alignment of local policies and practices. CDE's support will include both online and in-person components with materials designed specifically for local school and district leaders to use with their teachers and staff.
Colorado Department of Education Resources
- Colorado Comprehensive Physical Education Standards: Current Standards
- Comprehensive Physical Education Instructional Unit Samples: These (k-12th grade) instructional units are based on the Colorado Academic Standards in Physical Education, and were authored by teams of Colorado educators, including general education, special education, ELL, and other school professionals.
- Comprehensive Physical Education Resource:
- Curriculum Support Physical Education
- Integration of Comprehensive Health: This prezi discusses the importance of the integration of Comprehensive Health concepts and skills into other content areas in order to support the development of the "Whole Child".
Coordination and Practices:
- Physical Education SMART Guides: RMC Health, Coordination of health education across WSCC component areas.
- Physical Education Best Practices: Colorado Education Initiative, implementation resources
- Physical Activity Best Practices: Rocky Mountain Center for Prevention Research, physical activity best practices
- Healthy School Framework: The Alliance for a Healthier Generation: has a Healthy School Framework that allows schools to track progress and be recognized for outstanding accomplishments in school health.
- SHAPE America Every Student Succeeds Act Resources: Access a free e-guide from the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE)- What you need to know about the Every Student Succeeds Act and its impact on your health and physical education program.
- Overview of Colorado's ESSA plan (PDF)
- Wellness Training Specialists (Welltrain): The Colorado Physical Education Cadre provides state of the art, standards-based in-service training and technical assistance for physical education teachers, classroom teachers and school staff. All workshops are based on academic standards, best practices and tailored to meet the unique needs of each audience.
- Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (PECAT): A CDC tool to analyze and choose physical education curriculum.
- CDC School Health Guidelines CDC synthesized research and best practices related to promoting healthy eating and physical activity in schools, culminating in nine guidelines
- CDC Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP): CDC has created a CSPAP a multi-component approach that reflects strong coordination and synergy across all of the components: quality physical education as the foundation, physical activity before, during, and after school, staff involvement, and family and community engagement.
Supporting Policies
- Colorado Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Policies
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Training Offerings
Jamie Hurley – Comprehensive Health & Physical Education Principal Consultant
Contact Information: Jamie Hurley
Phone: 303.910.3901
My goal with offering regional and district trainings is to develop a training specifically tailored for the needs of the educators in each district/region. The offerings listed below can be combined to create half day or full day professional development.
Each training will provide the following for each participant:
- Substitute pay
- Lunch
- Classroom resource
Training Offerings:
- Health & Physical Education Standards
- District Sample Curriculum Instructional Units
- Lesson Planning Development
- Instructional Strategies
- Student Learning Objectives
- Scope & Sequence development for Health & Physical Education
- Resources
- Formative and Performative assessment development
*** Please contact me directly if you would like to discuss possible training dates and desired content for your teachers.
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