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Field Trips and Extracurricular Activities - School Nurse Checklist
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Revised July 2024
Field trips and extracurricular activities can have positive and lasting impacts on a student’s education and career and all students have a right to participate in these events, including students with disabilities. Standards of care and provisions for health services do not change when students are participating in field trips or extracurricular activities. A student may require nursing and/or health services to access and benefit from educational opportunities, and their rights are protected by federal and state laws including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Exceptional Children's Education Act (ECEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Districts should consult with their legal advisors when considering student health-related needs, safety risks, and the student’s ability to participate.
School nurses play a leading role in protecting the health and safety of students participating in school-sponsored events. Planning requires collaboration with multiple adults, including event coordinators, parents, teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, and other staff. This checklist serves as a guide to support those planning efforts.
General Considerations for All Events
*** For all events, follow school and district protocols and policies. ***
Student Health Needs
- Student Individual Health Plans
- Student Emergency Action Plans
- Student medication/treatment orders and documentation process
- Student contract to self-carry medications
- Student Section 504 Plan and accommodations
- Student’s IEP services and accommodations
- Access to qualified staff who can provide health care - RN or delegatee
- Special transportation
- Special equipment
- Mobility and Accessibility needs
- Activity limitations
- Trigger avoidance: Examples - allergies, asthma, seizures, anxiety
- Special dietary needs
- Special toileting needs
- Safety needs
Environmental and Activity Considerations
- Intensity level of the trip and activity
- Accessibility
- Safe storage of medication (Temperature requirements, accessibility to adult care giver, not accessible to students)
- Privacy for medications/treatments administration
- Adequate emergency response
- Adequate cell phone coverage
- Air temperature, elevation, and air quality
Staff to Support Health Needs
- Adequate time for school nurse to train, determine competency, and delegate to staff
- CPR/1st Aid Certified - Minimum of one person required 6 CCR 1010-6
- Qualified staff available to provide health care – School Nurse or delegatee
- School nurse availability to staff if questions or concerns arise
Overnight Considerations
- Duration of the event
- Orders for medications and/or treatments that occur outside of the typical school hours
- Additional nursing delegation requirements for medications and/or treatments that occur outside of regular school hours
- Sleeping arrangements (Bedding, location, accessibility)
- Staff proximity to students who may need treatment and/or health monitoring during the night
- Packing additional doses of medications may be advised in the event that the length of the trip is unexpectedly extended
- Copies of prescriptions should accompany student medications and treatments
Out of State Considerations
- Duration of the event
- If the student requires the presence of the school nurse or school nurse delegation, determine if the state is a member of the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC)
- If the state is a member of the NLC, contact the state’s board of nursing to determine what that state’s statutes and rules allow. Contact for each state’s board of nursing: National State Boards of Nursing Contact a U.S. Member
- If the state is not a member of the NLC, determine how nursing/health services might be provided by reaching out to the state’s board of nursing. Contact for each state’s board of nursing: National State Boards of Nursing Contact a U.S. Member
- Access to medications/treatments while traveling: In carry-on pack, not in luggage
- Packing additional doses of medications may be advised in the event that the length of the trip is unexpectedly extended
- Copies of prescriptions should accompany student medications/treatments
- Determine if a health alert exists in destination State Health Department Websites CDC Health Alert Network (HAN)
- Determine how health issues and emergencies will be managed
Out of Country Considerations
- Duration of the event
- U.S. nursing licenses do not automatically transfer to other countries. If a student requires nursing or health services, including delegated care, contact the U.S. State Department Travel Resources or the U.S. Embassy for points of contact for destination countries to determine the requirements.
- CDC Immunization Requirements and Recommendations
- CDC Travel Health Notices
- Determine how health issues and emergencies will be managed U.S. State Department Travel Resources
- Access to medications/treatments while traveling: In carry-on pack, not in luggage
- Copies of prescriptions should accompany student medications/treatments
- Packing additional doses of medications may be advised in the event that the length of the trip is unexpectedly extended
Parent Involvement Considerations
Parents should be asked to provide the following information:
- Health care needs of their child, including activity limitations
- Current parent/guardian contact information
- Written authorization allowing their child to receive emergency treatment
The district should share the following with the parents:
- How their child’s health care needs will be met during the trip
- The qualifications of those providing the care to their child
The parent signature on the consent form indicates that they agree to the outlined plan of care for the trip, including accessing emergency services.
- A parent’s or other adult family member’s attendance cannot be required as a condition of a child participating in a field trip. However, the following should be considered:
- If a parent requests, the school should consider allowing the parent to attend the field trip and assume responsibility for providing health care services for their child.
- A parent or guardian may designate an adult family member, who is NOT an employee of the school district, to provide health care for their child during the field trip. The school district may need to screen the designated adult family member per the school district’s policy.
How Field Trips Boost Student’s Lifelong Success (NEAMB)
Educational Travel in Youth Linked to Academic, Career Success (PR Newswire)
Office for Civil Rights: Equal Access to Academic and Other Opportunities (OCR)
Office for Civil Rights Letter: Students with Disabilities and Extracurricular Athletes (OCR)
Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools (US DOE)
School-sponsored Trips – The Role of the School Nurse NASN Position Statement (NASN)
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