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Adams 12 ELL Essentials Professional Learning Series

Program Description

This professional learning session is designed to lay the foundation for supporting the needs of English language learners. It highlights research-based strategies and language supports to ensure every ELL in Adams 12 has equitable access to the districts guaranteed and viable curriculum. Modeled structures and strategies are embedded throughout the 7.5 hours so that teachers can experience them as participants and then apply them to daily practice upon completion of  the training. The session includes process thinking about the students and participants culture and possible implications surrounding having different cultures in the classroom. Participants explore the identification and placement process for ELLs in Adams 12 and what language services students receive. The session continues with participants being grouped by levels (elementary vs secondary). In these groups they learn about the different types of ELLs in Adams 12 in order to highlight the specific and unique needs of each.


District employees



Required for Completion

Full series completion

Contact Information

Adams 12 ELL Department
