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Profile Reports FAQ


image of main page of profile report

What information is included in the Learning Environment District Profile Reports?

  • Chronic absenteeism: Data from the Attendance Collection on the number of students chronically absent and disaggregated by student demographics.

  • Discipline Incidents: Data from the Student Discipline Snapshot on the number of behavior incidents that resulted in each disciplinary action.

  • Student Behavior: Data from the Student Discipline Snapshot on the number of behavior incidents disaggregated by student demographics and compared to the K-12 count from the Attendance Collection.

  • Student Discipline: Data from the Student Discipline Snapshot on the number of discipline actions disaggregated by student demographics and compared to the K-12 count from the Attendance Collection.

  • Special Service Providers: Data from the Human Resources and Special Education December Count Collections for the staff data, along with the Pupil Membership Collection for the number of students.

Why are these profile reports being published now?

The profile reports are a new required report that CDE will publish annually starting in September 2024.  The components of the reports and required data collections that should be included were outlined as part of House Bill 22-1376 that was passed in 2022.

Why don't some districts have data displayed?  

  • It has either not been publicly reported in prior years or is new in this year's data, has been suppressed, or there was no data reported.

  • For special service provider ratios, if they are not showing any counts, they did not report any staff in those job codes as of December 1st. 

Why is some data displayed as * or blank? 

  • Within the downloadable spreadsheets, the * indicates that the data has been suppressed to protect student privacy. Each collection has unique suppression rules in which small numbers are replaced with * in order to ensure that students are not able to be identified through the data itself or by cross-referencing with other datasets. Within the profile reports, the blanks would also be an indicator that the data may have been suppressed, or the other reasons as specified above.

Discipline & Behavior Collection and Reporting


  • Some analysis will be new in 2023-24 so will not have a previous year comparison.

  • Changes to the collection process could result in some changes to overall trend data.

  • The discipline/behavior collection was updated in 23-24 and required more detailed reporting from districts.  Districts now report at the incident level (i.e., this incident involved this behavior, this student, and this discipline action.) 

The information in the table below is reported for each incident. Note that if multiple students were involved or a student received more than one discipline action in the same incident, multiple entries would be made. :


(one is selected)

Discipline Action

(one or more is selected)


Other Action

(yes or no for each)

  • 1st, 2nd Degree or vehicular assault
  • 3rd Degree assault/disorderly conduct
  • Alcohol violation
  • Bullying
  • Dangerous weapons
  • Destruction of school property
  • Detrimental behavior
  • Disobedience/defiant or repeated interference
  • Drug violation
  • Marijuana violation
  • Other felony
  • Other violation of Code of Conduct
  • Rape or attempted rape
  • Robbery
  • Sexual Violence/battery (other than rape)
  • Tobacco violation
  • Classroom removal
  • In-School Suspension
  • Out-of-School Suspension
  • Expulsion
  • Other Action Taken
  • Grade
  • Race/ethnicity
  • Gender
  • IEP status
  • Section 504 status
  • Multilingual Learner status
  • Referral to law enforcement
  • Handcuffed
  • School-related arrest
  • Seclusion
  • Restraint

What changed in this year’s collection?

  • The Discipline Interchange updates the Special Education Discipline Interchange file with data fields required per HB22-1376.  The updated Discipline Interchange file process started in the 2023-2024 school year and contains one file: the Discipline Action File. 

  • Other updates include a flag if any of the following occurred as part of the incident.  These are not discipline actions. 

    • Referrals to law enforcement, students handcuffed, and school-related arrests. 

    • Seclusion and restraint data was added 

  • Updates to suppression rules to suppress additional data given that data was collected at the student level.

Where is the discipline data used or displayed?

The information collected in the discipline and behavior collection is posted is the Student Discipline Snapshot and Special Education Discipline snapshot for students with an active IEP and summarized in the Learning Environment District Profile Reports. 

Discipline and Behavior Data

What is the difference between the Student Behavior and Student Discipline sections? 

  • The Student Behavior section displays the number of incidents for each of 16 behavior categories.

  • The Student Discipline section display the number of actions for each of the five options:

    • Classroom Removals, In-School Suspensions, Out-of-School Suspensions, Expulsions, and Other Action Taken.

  • Both the discipline and behavior tables or tabs in the profile reports can be disaggregated by gender, race/ethnicity or student group.

What is the difference between duplicated and unduplicated counts?

  • The duplicated count or incident count could include a student who was involved in more than one incident.  For example, if a student received more than one in-school suspension during the school year, the number of in school suspensions would be counted as two. 

  • The unduplicated count means that a student could only be counted once regardless of how many behavior incidents or disciplinary actions they received. For example, if a student received 3 out-of-school suspensions during the school year, in the unduplicated count they would only appear once.

  • The unduplicated count can be helpful in understanding if students were involved in multiple incidents.  However, students could move across districts or be involved in multiple types of behaviors and actions so disaggregated counts may be less useful.

Could districts select more than one action for every incident?

  • If the student received multiple discipline actions for one behavior incident, then yes, they can have received more than one discipline for that incident.

  • Example: If the student received an out-of-school suspension and was referred to an expulsion hearing. The student served 10 out of school suspension days and the result of the expulsion hearing was that the student was expelled. This means that one behavior incident would have 1 OSS of 10 days and 1 expulsion of the days they missed in that particular school year for discipline action for that incident. 

What happens if a student moves? Do the discipline incidents counts follow them? 

  • The behavior incident and discipline action are recorded at whichever school/district the student attends at the time and then are included in the state totals.

How do I find the definitions for the behaviors and actions?

  • Please hover your cursor over the data that has the behavior or action that you want to see the definition for, and it will pop up with the definition.

Why is the total number of behavior incidents different from the total number of discipline actions?

  • The total number of behavior incidents is counting how many unique incidents occurred over the school year. This means that if multiple students were involved in an incident or if a student was involved in one incident but received multiple discipline actions, those would only be counted once. For example, if 2 students were involved in a fight, that would only count as 1 behavior incident since it was the same incident.

  • The discipline actions, on the other hand, is counting the total number of actions that took place. So as in the example mentioned above, each discipline action that followed the fight would be included in this count.

Special Service Provider Ratios Data

How do BOCES fit into the mental health ratios? What about contractors?  

  • LEAs and BOCES report their staff and their purchased service staff in the Human Resources and Special Education December Count Collections and December count collections as of December 1 of each year.

How are these ratios calculated?

  • These ratios are calculated by adding up the number of students enrolled in each district or the state, then dividing that by the total FTE for each position in the district or the state. Example: if in a district there are 10,000 students and 20 school counselors, that would mean a ratio of 500 students to 1 school counselor.

How do I know if these ratios are high or low?

  • Please see the Data Descriptions box to view the recommended ratios put forth by each role’s national organization.

School Climate Surveys Data

When will this data be available?  

  • This data will be available after the Report Card March collection closes in 2024-2025.

What information will be included in this section?

  • There will be data regarding how many districts in the state administer a district-wide school climate survey, how many post their results publicly, and where those results can be found if applicable.

Chronic Absenteeism Data

Where can I find other data related to attendance?

  • Attendance and graduation rates can be found by clicking the white Data Sources button, which has a link for the collection information and downloadable data.

How are these rates calculated?

  • A student absent 10 percent or more of the days enrolled during the school year is chronically absent. All absences are included - unexcused and excused. The rate is the percentage of students enrolled who are chronically absent.


Who can I contact if I have questions?

  • Please see the white Questions? button in the bottom left corner of the dashboard to find the appropriate person to contact. See the image below for an example.

How can I download the data included in these reports?

  • Click the white Data Sources button in the top right corner of the dashboard to navigate to the page where you can download the data for each section. See the image below for an example.

Where can I find resources related to this data?

  • Please click this link for resources related to discipline and the learning environment.

Image showing arrows to data sources and questions