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Three Dimensional Science Made Local webinar
Three-Dimensional Science Made Local: Tapping into Colorado's Local Data Treasures
Please access the content from the August 2024 webinar series below:
Colorado Air Pollution - Data and Storylines presented by Dr. Madelyn Percy of the Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)
Webinar Resources:
Access the slides from the presentation using this link
Access the list of databased made available by state and federal agencies here
Access the a spreadsheet with air quality, climate change, and environmental justice resources using this link
Please fill out this Google Form to access the project-based learning unit
Access the webinar recording using this link Passcode: XSR&v^5w
Radon in Colorado - Data and Classroom Materials by Margaret Horton of the Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and Rae Lyn Young Expert Science Educator
Webinar Resources:
Access "Do you know your 3R's?" Instructional materials using this link
Access a free radon test kit order form using this link
Access the Radon data dashboard -great for exploring place-based radon data, data literacy, and statistical validity-using this link
Access the webinar recording using this link Passcode: 5l?v$Ty6
Mappable Science - Data and Tools by Dr. Joseph Kerski of ESRI
Webinar Resources:
Access the story map from Dr. Kerski's session using this link
Access WebGIS to teach climate resilience using this link
Access the webinar recording using this link Passcode: 6$?k9R8@
Trees, Weather, and Atmosphere - NOAA in your Backyard by Carolyn Szoke and Hilary Peddicord both from NOAA
Webinar Resources:
Access the presentation slides using this link
Access the resource handout using this link
Download the SOS Explorer using this link
Interested in signing up for the SOS Explorer email list to get Data Challenge activities sent to you? Complete this form.
Access the webinar recording using this link Passcode: M9W?&dcC
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