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Be A Sub! Campaign Toolkit
Communications Toolkit for Substitute Teaching Recruitment Campaign
Districts and BOCES are welcome to use the materials provided below as they spread the word about Colorado's need for substitute teachers.
Printable Flyer
Social Media Graphics
To download the images, click the link below. When the new page pops up, right click the image and save it to your device.
- Facebook Post - "Rosie" Image (Sized 940 x 788 pixels)
- Facebook Post - "Richard" Image (Sized 940 x 788 px)
- Twitter Post - "Rosie" Image (Size: 1024 x 512 pixels)
- Twitter Post - "Richard" Image (1024 x 512 px)
Social Media Sample Posts
These posts meet the Twitter requirement of 280 characters and can also be used for Facebook.
- Ever thought about becoming a substitute teacher? If so, now is the time to step up for students! Schools are experiencing a shortage of substitutes and teachers need the support now more than ever. Find all the information you need to get started to become a sub. #edcolo #BeASubCO
- There's no better time than now to step up as a substitute teacher! Learn how YOU can make a difference for our Colorado students and how easy it is to get started to become a sub! #edcolo #BeASubCO
Many of these resources were made by substitute teachers for aspiring substitutes. Share these materials with anyone who expresses interest in becoming a substitute.
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