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READing Conference 2017

The Office of Literacy along with the Exceptional Student Services Unit at CDE hosted READing Conference on Tuesday-Wednesday, October 10-11, 2017. This conference was designed to support the implementation of the Colorado READ Act, specifically research-based reading instruction, intervention and assessment. The target audience was  K-3 educators including general education teachers, special education specialists, reading coaches, reading interventionists, English Language Development specialists, principals and school leadership teams as well as a special strand for representatives from Higher Education.

The focus of the conference was on universal reading instruction for all students with a special emphasis on English Learners, students with disabilities including dyslexia and the foundational reading skills.

Conference Handouts

2017 READing Conference Program

Day 1- October 10, 2017

Keynote Presentation:

Dr. Kenneth Pugh

Neuroimaging Studies of Language Development Reading and Reading Disabilities

Breakout Session 1:

Dr. Elaine Cheesman

Mobile Apps and Websites Support Reading and Spelling

Debbie Hunsaker

Focused Small Groups Work Stations

Linda Farrell

Decodable and Leveled Readers Using Them Appropriately with Beginning Readers

Dr. Bruce Pennington

Controversial Therapies for Learning Disorders


2017 READing Conference Program; young girl reading

Day 2- October 11, 2017

Breakout Sessions 2-4

Dr. Alison Gould Boardman

Teaching Young Readers to use Reading Comprehension Strategies

Let's Talk about Text: Facilitating Student-Led Discussion Groups

Dr. Elaine Cheesman

Mobile Apps and Website to Support Vocabulary, Comprehension and Writing Instruction

Debbie Hunsaker

Focused Coaching and Improved Instruction

Linda Farrell/Michael Hunter

A New Phonics-Based Approach to Teaching High Frequency Words

Lose the Rules: Multi-Syllable Words Made Easy

Dr.Bruce Pennington

Cormorbidity Among Learning

Dr. Seidenberg

Dr. Danielle Thompson