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Istation (ISIP Early Reading and Lectura Temprana)

2022-2023 ELAT Istation Benchmark Windows 

Districts must choose a 2 week assessment window within the benchmarks months to administer the benchmark assessment.

BOY Benchmark 

  • Within the first 30 calendar days of the school year for grades 1-3* and up to 60 days for Kindergarten to administer the beginning of year assessment.

    • While choosing your 2 week benchmark window make sure that all students are tested in the same month.

MOY Benchmark

  • January

EOY Benchmark 

  • May

Kindergarten consideration: Through a provision in HB15-1323 you may choose to use up to 60 calendar days for initial benchmarking. However, we would encourage districts to continue with best practice by benchmarking and providing support early in the year, within the first 30 days. Completion of your READ BOY assessment within the 60 calendar days will inform the literacy component of your readiness assessment

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