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Colorado Academic Standards: Music Glossary (adopted 2022)
Colorado Academic Standards: Music Glossary (adopted 2022)
Arrange - the process of reconceptualizing previously created music. Final products can be demonstrated through a variety of means.
Compose - the process of creating an original musical idea that can be shared through performance/demonstration, written, iconic, and/or electronic representation. Composing can be informal or formal using a variety of notation systems that results in a composition. Compositions may look different across different grade levels and individual classrooms.
Developmentally Appropriate - educational and musical decisions that are age and ability appropriate.
Improvise - create and perform spontaneously, or without preparation through a variety of means. Improvisation may have musical parameters that assist the student in conveying intent.
Independent Musicianship - the student will be able to demonstrate the musical skill/concept independently (with or without an ensemble) without the assistance of an educator.
Intent - the artistic decisions musicians make to communicate meaning, such as ideas, emotions, images as a reflection of society, history, and culture.
Notation - a documented representation of a musical idea. There are numerous ways that musical ideas can be notated including, but not limited to written notation, icons/symbols, and electronic/technological programs.
Perform/Demonstrate - to share musical skills and concepts (e.g. sing, play, create, listen, write discuss, etc.). These musical learnings can be shared in a variety of environments including, but not limited to the classroom, public performances, and recordings. To perform does not require an outside audience to be present.
Tonalities - organization or relationship to a set of sounds.
Variety of Means - the numerous ways a student can demonstrate and apply musical concepts in the classroom. School resources can dictate how can educator might design appropriate learning experiences. Examples include, but are not limited to performance (sing/play/move), composition, games, improvisation, use of technology, and listening/responding activities.
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