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2020 CAS - Drama and Theatre Arts Standards Summary of Changes
Colorado state law requires a review and revision of the Colorado Academic Standards every six years with the first review to be completed by July 2018. Stronger alignment of learning expectations within and across grades had been the primary focus of the review and revision process. This includes additions, deletions, revisions and reorganizations of the standards. Listed below is a summary of the substantive revisions of the Drama and Theatre Arts Standards.
Notable Changes to All Content Area Standards:
The review committees made changes to the structure of the standards that apply to all content areas:
- Changes to the title of the Prepared Graduate Competencies section of the standards document to Prepared Graduate Statements to reduce confusion with competency-based learning systems of instruction and assessment practices.
- Changes to the title of the right side of the standards document from 21st Century Skills and Readiness Competencies to Academic Context and Connections. The sections within the Academic Context and Connections continue to focus on essential skills and relevant connections to the Grade Level Expectations.
- Revisions to the preschool standards for all content areas contain revisions to align the expectations with Colorado’s Early Learning and Development Guidelines and the latest revision of the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework.
Revisions Applicable to All Grades
- Changed the sections within the Academic Context and Connections to “Colorado Essential Skills (Why does this GLE matter?)," and "Inquiry Questions (Students should consider...)” to better align with the Postsecondary Workforce Readiness (PWR) skills and to increase rigor.
- Aligned Grade Level Expectations preschool-12th grade to focus on the creative and artistic process that is common across the entire breadth of the discipline.
- Adjusted Evidence Outcomes to align concepts at each grade level to create greater coherence.
Revisions Applicable to Preschool through 5th grade:
- Preschool revisions represent a significant change compared to the 2010 CAS. The revised standards have improved coherence, depth, and breadth and are strongly aligned with proposed revisions in kindergarten.
- Preschool-5th grade Evidence Outcomes reflect more clarity between grade levels in order to establish greater coherence of concepts like ensemble, character, and collaboration.
Revisions Applicable to 6th through 8th grade:
- New revisions show more clarity with evidence outcomes in order to align greater rigor and depth of disciplinary literacy.
- New revisions bring more focus and clarity to the creative process within drama, theatre arts.
Revisions Applicable to High School (9th through 12th grade):
- New revisions show a deeper clarity of knowledge and skill level in order to further align greater rigor and depth of disciplinary literacy for theatre arts processes.
- Split High School Fundamental and Extended pathways into three levels (New titles: Fundamental, Advanced, Professional) to provide more clarity, accessibility, rigor, and depth in meeting the needs of the variety of Theatre Arts programing across the state.
- Adjustments were made to provide clarity, and breadth to the connections for students relating to post-secondary, career in technical education, and workforce ready (PWR).
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