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2022-2023 Mobility/Stability Statistics
These rates have been reported following the guidelines set forth in CCR 301-67 - “Rules for the Administration of Colorado Data Reporting for School Accreditation.” The stability rate represents the number and percent of students who remained at a district without interruption throughout the school year.
Mobility and Stability Rates for 2022-23 Academic Year
- Summary of 2022-23 Mobility and Stability Release (DOC)
- Workbook Containing District and School Level Data (XLSX)
- Mobility and Stability Rates by District and Gender/Race/Ethnicity
- Mobility and Stability by District Instructional Program Service Type
- Mobility and Stability by School and Gender/Race/Ethnicity
- Mobility and Stability by School and Instructional Program Service Type
Mobility Rate
Unduplicated count of grade K-12 students who moved into or out of the district in the school year
Total number of K-12 students that were part of the same membership base at any time during the school year
Stability Rate
Unduplicated count of grade K-12 students who remained in the district in the school year
Total number of K-12 students that were part of the same membership base at any time during the school year
Mobility Incidence Rate
Duplicated count of grade K-12 students who moved into or out of the district in the school year
Total number of K-12 students that were part of the same membership base at any time during the school year
Note: The mobility calculation timeframe was modified in the 2017-2018 school year so that only entries and exits that occur from the October Count date to the end of the school year are included in the calculation. Students must have a gap in attendance of more than 10 days for a move to be considered mobile.
Additional Information:
- CDE’s Dropout Prevention and Student Re-engagement office: This office supports programs and strategies that support pro-active and responsive efforts to increase engagement in learning.
- CDE’s Office of Student Supports provides support to districts focused on students and their families who encounter multiple vulnerabilities, including poverty, homelessness, and/or foster care.
- CDE’s Migrant Education Office works to provide equitable resources and outcomes to ensure that all migrant children/youth are postsecondary and workforce ready and that all families are empowered to succeed.
- Data Requests – Visit CDE’s Data Request page
- Additional Questions – Email Reagan Ward,
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