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ACCESS and Student October Redesignation Data
The ACCESS and Student October Redesignation Data Report includes ACCESS for ELLs assessment data from Spring 2021 through 2023 and Student October Data from school year 2021-2022 through school year 2023-2024. It will be updated in June annually with the most recent three years of ACCESS and Student October Data. This report presents, at the state and district level, the following information:
the number of ML students tested on the ACCESS for ELLs (ACCESS) assessment beginning 2021 through the 2023 assessment year,
the number of students who met Colorado Standardized Redesignation criteria (4.0 Overall and 4.0 Literacy score) for redesignation for each year of ACCESS assessment,
the number of students who met Colorado Standardized Redesignation criteria for redesignation based on the ACCESS assessment and who were reported as Non-English Proficient ( NEP) or Limited English Proficient (LEP) in the following Student October, and
the number of students who met Colorado Standardized Redesignation criteria for redesignation based on the ACCESS assessment and were reported FEP M1 the following Student October.
Note: To maintain student privacy, per CDE’s Data Privacy Policy, and to meet data suppression guidelines, CDE has suppressed small counts on the public ACCESS and Student October Redesignation Data Report.
District leaders with access to Data Pipeline may view their individual district report by logging in to Data Pipeline. To utilize the ACCESS and Student October Redesignation Data Report, navigate to: Data Pipeline - Cognos Reports – Student October, and select the year(s) of interest. Users must have the Student October LEAVIEWER, LEAUSER or LEAAPPROVER role assigned to their account to access the report. The reports are best viewed as Microsoft Excel files.
For more information regarding these reports, please contact the following CDE Offices:
Language Instruction Educational Programs and Redesignation Procedures: Lindsay Swanton,
ACCESS and Student October Redesignation Data Report in Cognos Help: Brooke Wenzel,
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