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Archived Professional Learning
Accelerating Newcomer and ML Instruction in the Classroom Webinar Series
The CLDE office is partnering with SAVVAS Learning Company to offer the following professional learning opportunities.
Students’ Funds of Knowledge - Dr. Katie Toppel, Ed.D., is an English Language Development Specialist at the elementary level, serving Multilingual learners through collaboration, co-teaching, and small-group instruction. Dr. Toppel is a co-author of several books DIY PD: A Guide to Self-Directed Learning for Educators of Multilingual Learners and Portraits of Collaboration.
Serving Newly Arrived Students with SIOP - Dr. Deborah Short founded Academic Language Research & Training, LLC and provides professional development on SIOP, content-based English, and academic literacy. She co-developed the SIOP Model, directed research and evaluation studies regarding multilingual learners and their programs, and consults with the U.S. Dept. of Justice, Civil Rights Division. Publications include numerous books and journal articles. She is a TESOL International past president.
Effective Teaching Techniques to Leverage Comprehensible Input - Dr. Jana Echevarría is Professor Emerita at California State University, Long Beach where she received her university’s Outstanding Professor award for excellence in scholarship, teaching, and service. A founding researcher and creator of the SIOP Model, Dr. Echevarria has published widely on effective instruction for multilingual learners, including those with learning disabilities. She has presented her research throughout the U.S. and internationally, including at Oxford University (England), Wits University (South Africa), Harvard University (U.S.), Stanford University (U.S.), University of Barcelona (Spain), and South East Europe University (Macedonia) where she was a Fulbright Specialist. She also was a resident instructor at Feng Chia University (Taiwan). Dr. Echevarria was inducted into the California Reading Hall of Fame and served as an expert on English learners for the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division. Prior to receiving her UCLA doctorate, she was a teacher in bilingual, ESL, and special education programs.
7 Steps to a Language-Rich, Interactive Classroom with Dr. Carol Salva
This in-person one-day workshop provides a seven-step process that creates a language-rich, interactive classroom environment, one in which all students can thrive and succeed. Topics include differentiating instruction for students at a variety of language proficiencies, keeping all students absolutely engaged, and creating powerful learning supports.
Long-Term Success for Experienced Multilinguals with Authors Beth Skelton and Tan Huynh
The Office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education is offering a two-day professional learning opportunity for Colorado educators. This two-day workshop will focus on serving experienced multilinguals, the assets-based term for Long-Term English learners (LTELs). The authors suggest that experienced multilinguals can reach the highest academic standards under optimal conditions. The workshop will guide teachers in cultivating these conditions. Please note this is an in-person professional learning training.
Engaging Immigrant and Refugee Families : Bridging the Language and Cultural Gap with Dr. Don Vu
Former award-winning teacher, and principal knows that reading can be transformative and life changing. Having fled Vietnam with his family in 1975, Dr. Vu understands the challenges children face when learning a new language and culture. He will share his life experience as a refugee and how to provide literacy pathways for immigrant students from his book: Life, Literacy, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
The Office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education – Virtual Workshop with Natasha Quiroga
The Colorado Department of Education CLDE Office will offer Colorado educators a virtual workshop series provided by Natasha Quiroga. This is a virtual workshop series focuses on supporting the immigrant students and families of Colorado. The content in the sessions offered will cover understanding the immigration legal system, dispelling common immigration misconceptions, analyze federal policies impacting immigrant children (Title 42 and DACA), analyze the Flores Settlement Agreement, trafficking victims’ protection act, as well as other various related areas of the immigration journey.
An Introduction to WIDA’s 2020 Edition of the ELD Standards: What’s Changed? What’s the Same?
This professional learning opportunity provides a 90-minute overview of WIDA’s newest standards-based instructional resources and how to apply them to instruction, student goal setting, and progress monitoring student levels of English Language Proficiency. Whether educators are familiar with WIDA or not, this professional learning opportunity will be helpful for learning which WIDA resources are available, which are recommended by the CLDE office, and how and when to use each resource. This professional learning opportunity is intended for District ELD Directors/Coordinators, ELD Teachers/Coaches, Instructional Coaches, Classroom Teachers, Content Teachers, and any other educator who works with Multilingual Learners. For more information or to inquire about hosting this workshop, school or district leadership may contact the presenter. Please include the name of the requested workshop in your inquiry.
Writing Language Objectives Using WIDA’s 2020 Edition of the ELD Standards Framework
This workshop will provide educators with an overview of, and practice with WIDA’s 2020 grade level cluster materials to write lesson-based language objectives. It is recommended, but not required, to attend “An Introduction to WIDA’s 2020 Edition of the ELD Standards: What’s Changed? What’s the Same?” prior to attending this workshop. A basic knowledge of language functions is also recommended. This workshop is intended for District ELD Directors/Coordinators, ELD Teachers/Coaches, Instructional Coaches, Classroom Teachers, Content Teachers, and any other educator who works with Multilingual Learners. For more information or to inquire about hosting this workshop, school or district leadership may contact the presenter. Please include the name of the requested workshop in your inquiry.
Teaching Science to English Learners through the Colorado English Language (CELP) Standards
This is nine hour workshop provides K-12 science and classroom teachers, as well as ESL/bilingual educators, a foundational knowledge of English language development and explores tools and strategies for making science more accessible to Multilingual Learners through teaching the Colorado English Language Proficiency (CELP) standards. This workshop is intended for K-12 science teachers, classroom teachers, coaches, co-teaching teams, grade level teams, and school teams. For more information or to inquire about hosting this workshop, school or district leadership may contact the presenter. Please include the name of the requested workshop in your inquiry.
Teaching Math to English Learners through the Colorado English Language (CELP) Standards
This nine hour workshop provides K-12 math and classroom teachers, as well as ESL/bilingual educators, a foundational knowledge of English language development and explores tools and strategies for making math more accessible to Multilingual Learners through teaching the Colorado English Language Proficiency (CELP) standards. This workshop is intended for K-12 math teachers, classroom teachers, coaches, co-teaching teams, grade level teams, and school teams. For more information or to inquire about hosting this workshop, school or district leadership may contact the presenter. Please include the name of the requested workshop in your inquiry.
Obligations to Educate Multilingual Learners
This webinar provides an overview of state and federal laws that impact the methods in which districts, schools, and charter schools provide academic instruction and services for multilingual learners. Participants will gain an understanding of the statutory obligations for which they are held accountable in order to effectively implement Language Instruction Programs for multilingual students. This workshop is intended for District ELD Directors, Coordinators, and other Administrators that are new to ELD program requirements in Colorado, or who would like a refresher. To inquire about District/School/Charter School Obligations to Educate Multilingual Learners virtual training, contact the presenter. Please include the name of the requested workshop in your inquiry.
Implementing District Systems to Support Quality ELD Programs
Colorado Department of Education (CDE) researchers studied fifteen districts and identified nine leading indicators for quality English Language Development (ELD) programs developed the District-Level Quality ELD Program Implementation Rubrics to use as a tool in developing, modifying, and/or evaluating systems in support of English learners. In this workshop, participants will learn the background and methodology of the study, as well as the utility of the rubrics within a school/district context. Participants are encouraged to bring local district-level data that will support them in engaging in conversations regarding improvement of systems to support ELD programs. This workshop is designed for a team of educators from a school or district (intended audience - district directors, coordinators, and administrators - teacher leaders are encouraged to attend with principal approval). Training certificates will indicate Alignment to English Learner PD Quality Standard IV (Elements A&B). To inquire about Implementing District Systems to Support Quality ELD Programs, please contact the presenter.
Welcoming and Engaging Multilingual Newcomer Students
Participants will explore foundational principles to welcome and engage newcomers and their families into classrooms and schools. Areas of focus for this training include: laws that protect newcomers, culturally responsive teaching and metacognition in the classroom, factors that influence language acquisition, and the importance and value of communicating with families.
CLDE Professional Development on Teaching, Learning, and Trauma
The Office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE) is pleased to partner with author, Beth Kelley, MA, LPC, to offer professional development in the area of Teaching, Learning, and Trauma for Colorado district administrators, coordinators, coaches, counselors and teachers. The content focus of this five-session course will intersect the importance of teaching, learning, and mental health in areas of understanding adolescent learners with chronic stress and trauma, foundations of effective practice, healthy relationships in complicated times, and conflict resolution. All sessions will take place virtually on Thursdays from 4:00 – 5:30p.m. beginning November 5, 2020 through February 18, 2021. Upon completion of the entire professional learning and required assignments, participants will be eligible for a maximum of 10 Professional Development Hours. For more information about this professional development, please contact Alice Collins.
The ABCs of Long-Term English Learners
Colorado educators have an opportunity to participate in professional development provided by the Colorado Department of Education CLDE Office and Beth Skelton focused on meeting the needs of students classified as Long-term English Learners (LTELs). This professional learning is meant for general educators, content area teachers, and English Language Development Specialists and will focus on research-based practices that best support LTELs. All sessions will take place virtually, beginning with an introductory “Live” Taster session on Thursday, March 11, 2021 from 4:00-4:45pm. Upon completion of all five sessions and required assignments, participants will be eligible for 10 hours of credit. For more information about this professional development, please contact Alice Collins.
Linking Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) to Colorado English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards
Intended Audience - K-12 Teachers, Content/Classroom teachers as well as ESL/bilingual educators. The standards session provides instructional staff (content/classroom teachers as well as ESL, bilingual educators) a foundational knowledge of English language development and the connection between academic standards and the CELP standards.
English Language Proficiency (ELP) Growth Across State and Federal Accountability
Intended Audience - District Directors, Coordinators, and Administrators. This session will compare and contrast State and Title III accountability calculations based on English language proficiency (ELP) growth. Presenters will provide guidance and support on how districts can use these accountability results to inform local programming.
EL Data Dig Tool
Intended Audience - District Directors, Coordinators, and Administrators. This session will provide attendees training and support on the structure, logistics, and intended use of the EL Data Dig Tool. Additionally, presenters will demonstrate where districts can obtain data that is available through CDE resources. Mock data will be used to engage attendees in experiential learning and practical application.
District ELD Program Rubrics: A Self-Assessment to Improve ELD Programs
Intended Audience - District Directors, Coordinators, and Administrators. Colorado Department of Education (CDE) researchers studied fifteen districts and identified nine leading indicators for quality English language development (ELD) programs. Using these nine leading indicators, researchers developed the ELD Program Rubrics for districts to use as a tool in developing, modifying, and/or evaluating systems in support of English Learners. In this session, participants will learn the background and methodology of the study, as well as the utility of the rubrics within a school/district context.
Progress Monitoring Language Development through Formative Assessments
Intended Audience - Content area teachers, classroom teachers, coaches, co-teaching teams, grade level teams, and school teams. This session will focus on progress monitoring for language development through formative assessment. Participants will utilize the WIDA performance definitions to review student work samples for language development. All attendees should bring at least one sample of student work. Samples can be in any format (exit tickets, essays, videos, etc.).
Language, Literacy, and Access to Content 101
Intended Audience - Classroom teachers, Literacy Teachers, ELD specialists/coaches, administrators. This workshop will provide a foundational knowledge of first and second language acquisition and literacy development for secondary English learners and will explore tools for making literacy and content more accessible to English learners. Attendees will receive 6 contact hours of training aligned to English Learner PD Quality Standards II (Element A) & III (Elements A&B). Please note – this workshop will not meet the training required by the Colorado READ Act. Information regarding the Colorado READ Act requirements and trainings can be found at READ Act - SB 19-199 Amendment Updates.
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