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WSCC Health Education
Health Education
Formal, structured health education consists of any combination of planned learning experiences that provide the opportunity to acquire the information and skills students need to make quality health decisions. Health education curricula and instruction should address essential health skills and incorporate the characteristics of an effective health education curriculum, and be taught by qualified, trained teachers.
What’s New !!
Drug Prevention Instructional Students
Beginning in 2012, the Standards and Instructional support team has been working with educators across the state of Colorado to build curriculum support resources for the successful implementation of the Colorado Academic Standards. To date, 121 school districts have participated in the authoring and/or refining of the processes and products of the Colorado District Sample Curriculum Project. New drug prevention units have been developed based on the work of the initial Instructional Unit Samples. A team of Colorado Educators convened to update the Instructional Unit Samples and in some grades create new Instructional Unit Samples to align with current standards, trends, and district needs.
To access the Drug Prevention Instructional Sample Units
Implement the 2020 Colorado Academic Standards
During the Spring of 2018, the State Board of Education approved revisions to the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS), as required by statute. This approval completed the first four phases of the standards review and revision timeline, moving Colorado into the final two phases ending in full implementation of the CAS. CDE's Office of Standards and Instructional Support is committed to supporting districts to take full advantage of the two-year transition period to the revised CAS, with appropriate and meaningful attention given to curriculum, instruction, assessment, professional learning, communications, and alignment of local policies and practices. CDE's support will include both online and in-person components with materials designed specifically for local school and district leaders to use with their teachers and staff.
Colorado Department of Education Resources
Colorado Comprehensive Health Education Standards: Current Standards Comprehensive Health Education Instructional Unit Samples These (k-12th grade) instructional units are based on the Colorado Academic Standards in Health Education, and were authored by teams of Colorado educators, including general education, special education, ELL, and other school professionals.
Comprehensive Health Education Resource Page: Resources for Implementing Health Education
Comprehensive Health Education Grants: Resources for Comprehensive Health Education Grants
Coordination and Practices:
Health Education SMART Guides: RMC Health, Coordination of health education across WSCC component areas.
Health Education Best Practices: Colorado Education Initiative, resources to support implementation of standards.
RMC Health Skill Models: RMC Health and a team of educators have created skill models for seven key health skills aligned with the National Health Education Standards and their indicators. Models for grade spans PK-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 focusing on the skills of analyzing influences (INF), accessing information (AI), interpersonal communication (IC), decision making (DM), goal setting (GS), self management (SM) and advocacy (AV) are available.
Characteristics of Effective Health Education Curricula: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, identifies the characteristics of effective health education curriculum according to reviews of effective programs and curricula and experts in the field of health education
Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) can help school districts, schools, and others conduct a clear, complete, and consistent analysis of health education
Supporting Policies
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Training Offerings
Jamie Hurley – Comprehensive Health & Physical Education Principal Consultant
Contact Information: Jamie Hurley
Phone: 303.910.3901
My goal with offering regional and district trainings is to develop a training specifically tailored for the needs of the educators in each district/region. The offerings listed below can be combined to create half day or full day professional development.
Each training will provide the following for each participant:
- Substitute pay
- Lunch
- Classroom resource
Training Offerings:
- Health & Physical Education Standards
- District Sample Curriculum Instructional Units
- Lesson Planning Development
- Instructional Strategies
- Student Learning Objectives
- Scope & Sequence development for Health & Physical Education
- Resources
- Formative and Performative assessment development
*** Please contact me directly if you would like to discuss possible training dates and desired content for your teachers.
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