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Consolidated Application Virtual Training Library

Welcome to the virtual training library for the Consolidated Application. The following trainings were recorded in 2020, the first year of the current 3-year application cycle (2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023). Any changes that have been made to the information provided in the video or slides are noted in the description of the training.

How to access your Consolidated Application:

The Consolidated Application is on the Identity Management System (IdM) and will use the same login credentials as other CDE logins such as Data Pipeline, the Unified Improvement Plan, and the Consolidated Application from the previous year.

Please contact your District Local Access Management (LAM) Group to ensure you have access to the “CONSAPP” application in the IdM. Please use this access assistance form if you are unsure of who your LAM is at the district.

The LAM can then utilize the Local Access Manager Quick Access Guide to see how to assign a user a role.

If you have any questions regarding these instructions, please contact our team at

Budget Training

This webinar will go into depth around the Consolidated Application's budget sections. It will also include a budget activity to become more familiar around the codes. These codes are necessary to make sure that each line item in the budget is telling the whole story of what is being requested.

PowerPoint | Recorded Webinar | Budget and Coding Activity (DOC) | Budget Coding Definitions (DOC) | Questions and Answers (DOC) 

2022-2023 Updates to Training: The posted PowerPoint contains a reference on slide 8 to an issue with the pre-populated data. Districts may continue to add schools if needed, however, all schools should appear in the list of schools on the School Profile page.   

For questions specific to the Cons App budgets, contact your Regional Contact or

Cross Program Questions Training

This webinar will go into depth around the Consolidated Application's Cross Program Questions. Cross program questions describe the processes in place at the LEAs and schools. They provide salient information on the identification and prioritization of needs, the development of strategies to be implemented, the ongoing engagement of relevant stakeholders throughout the continuous improvement cycle, and how activities and programs will be progress monitored and evaluated for effectiveness and the results used to improve efforts moving forward.

PowerPoint | Recorded Webinar| Questions and Answers (DOC) 

For questions specific to the Cross Program questions, contact your Regional Contact 

Title I, Part A

This webinar is specific to Title I, Part A. The training provides an overview of Title I and goes over the questions within the Consolidated Application that are related to Title I.

PowerPoint | Recorded Webinar 

2022-2023 Updates to Training:

  • Title I, Part A Narrative Question 5
    • Alternative Calculator Assurance added and Response Guidance updated. Attend the annual Cons App Updates Training or view the recorded training for more details.

For questions specific to Title I, Part A, contact: 

Laura Meushaw
Title I School Improvement Coordinator

Evita Byrd
ESEA Title I Specialist

Title I, Part D

This webinar is specific to Title I, Part D. The training provides an overview of Title ID and goes over the questions within the Consolidated Application that are related to Title ID. This presentation has two webinar recordings because it was broken out into program specifics and the budget for Title I, Part D.

PowerPoint | Program Recorded Webinar | Budget Recorded Webinar | Questions and Answers (DOC) 

2022-2023 Updates to Training: The questions have been combined and/or reworded since the 2020-2021 Application to reduce the burden on the LEAs and facilities. If there are questions regarding the narrative ID questions, LEAs should reach out to the Title ID team for clarification and assistance.

For questions specific to the Title I, Part D, contact:

Tina Negley
Coordinator and Program Effectiveness Supervisor

Title II, Part A 

This webinar is specific to Title II, Part A. The training provides an overview of Title II and goes over the questions within the Consolidated Application that are related to Title II.

PowerPoint | Recorded Webinar | Questions and Answers (DOC)

For questions specific to Title II, Part A, contact:

Rachel Echsner
ESEA Title I and II Specialist

Title III 

This webinar is specific to Title III. The team provides an overview of Title III and the revisions that were made for Title III in the Consolidated Application. The major requirements of Title III are Parent and Family Engagement of English Learners, Professional Development, and Programmatic and Fiscal Supplement, Not Supplant.

For questions specific to the Title III, contact:

Rachel Temple
ESEA Title III Specialist

Title IV, Part A 

This webinar is specific to Title IV, Part A. The team provides an overview of Title IV and what revisions were made to the Title IV section of the Consolidated Application. CDE also shares information about the CARES Act waivers that align to Title IV.

PowerPoint | Recorded Webinar | Questions and Answers (DOC) 

2022-2023 Updates to Training: Two Title IV, Part A budget summary tables, one for the current year allocation and the second for carryover funds, have been added to the Set-Asides and Content Area Calculations page of the Consolidated Application. LEAs should budget all activities in the Title IV, Part A budget using the funding codes for the activity’s aligned content area in order to populate the budget summary tables. Please note that carryover funds do not need to remain categorical if the Title IV, Part A percentage requirements were met in the previous year.   

For questions specific to Title IV, Part A, contact: 

Tammy Giessinger
Title IV Coordinator and Program Monitoring Supervisor

Title V, Part B 

This webinar is specific to Title V, Part B. The training covers allowable uses of Title V and the changes made to the Title V section of the Consolidated Application. This presentation also goes into flexibility options around the funds such as what it means to transfer funds and the difference with Alternative Uses of Funds Authority (AUFA).

PowerPoint | Recorded Webinar | Questions and Answers (DOC) 

For questions specific to Title V, Part B, contact: 

Tina Negley
Coordinator and Program Effectiveness Supervisor

Targeted Support and Improvement 

This webinar is specific to the Targeted Support and Improvement section of the Consolidated Application. Districts/LEAs are responsible for collaboratively building, reviewing, approving, and monitoring implementation of all improvement plans, including plans for schools identified for Targeted Support and Improvement. In addition, districts are responsible for establishing exit criteria and identification timelines for their Targeted Support schools and for determining additional action that will be taken if schools do not exit within the LEA-determined timeline.

PowerPoint | Recorded Webinar | Questions and Answers (DOC) 

2022-2023 Updates to Training: Please note that some of the narrative questions have been revised and consolidated in response to district input. Narrative Questions 2 and 3 referenced in the recorded webinar have been combined into a single question. The revised Narrative Question 2 asks LEAs to indicate how they will exit schools from Targeted Support and Improvement. If the LEA indicates it is using the state’s exit criteria, a narrative response is not required. Narrative Question 4 referenced in the recorded webinar is now Narrative Question 3.

For questions specific to Targeted Support and Improvement, contact:

Tina Negley
Coordinator and Program Effectiveness Supervisor