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School Leaders' Integrated Timeline: July 2018 - June 2019

School Leaders' Implementation Timeline

This integrated timeline has been created to help guide Colorado principals and assistant principals through key implementation work occurring in the 2018-19 school year. The timeline includes the main tasks associated with implementing standards, assessments, educator evaluations and accountability requirements. By identifying what work is happening simultaneously, districts and schools can be more intentional in integrating their efforts. While not representative of all tasks, the timeline includes the major activities, broken out quarterly and by phase of implementation: planning, implementation and continuous improvement. Prerequisite work is listed at the end of the document. Guiding questions for each quarter are included to help identify focus points and strategies. Links to CDE resources are available to ensure that school leaders and their staff are supported in their implementation efforts. For Priority Improvement or Turnaround districts/schools, specific requirements associated with the accountability clock are not included in this document. Visit CDE’s Accountability Clock webpage for guidance.

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July - September 2018 | October - December 2018 | January - March 2019 | April - June 2019

July - September 2018


  • Review implementation status of standards, evaluation and assessments to determine training and support needs.
  • Check the READ Act and School Readiness webpages for upcoming training information.
  • Plan for READ assessment process.
  • Plan for implementation of school readiness assessment and plans.
  • Plan for revisions to local high school graduation requirements based on alignment with Colorado’s Graduation Guidelines.
  • Read CDE Update at beginning of each month to see what is expected regarding important initiatives.
  • Read The Scoop weekly for news and announcements.
  • Principals should create an annual professional development to support educators in gaining a thorough understanding of the revisions to the 2020 Colorado Academic Standards. CDE will have online learning modules available.


  • Analyze preliminary 2018 School Performance Frameworks (SPFs) (expected to be available to districts in mid- to late August).
  • When state and local performance data show a different picture of performance from the School Performance Framework results, schools may submit a request to reconsider of accreditation rating/plan type to CDE through their district (CDE anticipated due date is mid-October with draft submissions due mid-September).
  • Support kindergarten teachers with school readiness plan and assessment process.
  • Send school teams to UIP trainings.
  • Ensure all K-3 students have been assessed for significant reading deficiencies and individual READ plans are initiated and/or revised as needed (READ Act).
  • Distribute and analyze available 2018 state assessment data  (PSAT/SAT, CMAS and CoAlt), growth data and Colorado Academic Standards aligned local assessment data. Districts have access to their individual student and school/district summary assessment data by the end of July. Student level growth reports will be available at the end of August or early September and should be shared with parents then. Analyze available state and local data to refresh UIP. Refine any activities that are not yielding expected results. Schools/ districts with at least a Performance plan type are eligible for submitting UIPs every other year.
  • Ensure School Accountability Committees are involved in revising the UIP and providing input on budgets.
  • Notify parents of school plan type and schedule hearing (for schools with preliminary Priority Improvement or Turnaround plan type).
  • Provide a full and comprehensive training on the evaluation system to all new educators in your building.
  • Re-orient all teachers, principals and special service providers to the educator evaluation system and highlight any changes in process or measures of student learning/outcomes that will take place for the next school year.
  • Re-train all teachers, SSPs and evaluator designees, etc. on the evaluation system if needed.
  • Revisit educator evaluation professional goals with any teachers or SSPs you missed at the end of last year.
  • Engage principals, assistant principals, teachers and special service providers in self-reflection on their practice and progress from last year (with another self-assessment building on last year’s evaluation).
  • Implement action plan in school UIP.
  • Ensure ongoing communication with students, teachers, parents and community members on your educator evaluation system, Colorado Academic Standards, new assessments and accountability (CDE communications toolkits available to expedite clear, consistent and timely information sharing).
  • Ensure your school has an appointed school assessment coordinator and school technology coordinator.
  • Charter principals: Adopt and implement a written policy by which the local education provider will decide whether to request the paper form of the state assessments.
  • Charter principals: Distribute and post written information regarding the assessments to be administered during the school year including an assessment calendar. 
  • Charter principals: Adopt and implement a written policy and procedure by which a student’s parent(s) may excuse the student from participating in one or more of the state assessments.

Continuous Improvement

  • Monitor implementation of:
  • Contribute feedback for your Personnel Performance Evaluation Council (formerly 1338) to assess how the evaluation year went for teachers and specialized service professionals? What needs to change? What measures should be subtracted or added to the system?
  • Review interim measures and implementation benchmarks on the school UIP and adjust plan, if needed.

Guiding Questions

  • What evidence do we have that our educators have the information and understanding they need to successfully implement standards, evaluations and assessments?
  • What structures, systems and processes are in place to support school capacity to monitor implementation? What systems might be adjusted this year? What changes need to be considered for next year?


October - December 2018


  • Determine alignment between CMAS English language arts and mathematics results with local assessment results. Consider opportunities for greater alignment.
  • Determine dates for end-of-year conferences for students with a significant reading deficiency.
  • Plan for revisions to local high school graduation requirements based on alignment with Colorado’s Graduation Guidelines.


  • Analyze school performance by analyzing School Performance Frameworks (SPFs) and other student performance data sources. Using that analysis, determine:
    • If a Request to Reconsider needs to be submitted through the district (expected drafts due mid-September, final due to CDE mid-October).
  • Hold public hearing with local school board to review school’s progress on implementing UIP (for schools with Priority Improvement or Turnaround plan type)
  • December 2018 State Board of Education finalizes school plan types.
  • Ensure all kindergarten students have an individual school readiness plan.
  • Ensure school readiness data collection information is ready for district submission.
  • Submit final 2017-18 educator evaluation ratings to CDE for all licensed personnel, whom you have evaluated, to your district for inclusion in the HR collection.
  • Supervisors/evaluators conduct a review of outcomes, observations, collect evidence and give ongoing feedback for all teachers and specialized service professionals.
  • Begin requesting PSAT and SAT accommodations (requests due by mid-February).
  • High school only: Ensure that your school PSAT/SAT coordinator has completed College Board school establishment survey (due in early October).
  • Verify that Unique Accommodations Requests, if needed, have been submitted to district leadership (districts must submit requests to CDE by Dec. 15).
  • Principals should monitor educators understanding of the revisions to the 2020 Colorado Academic Standards to assess budgetary and professional development needs.

Continuous Improvement

  • Monitor implementation of READ plans, assessment(s), and intervention support.
  • Review interim measures and implementation benchmarks on the school UIP and adjust plan, if needed.
  • School Accountability Committees monitor progress of UIP implementation.
  • Engage with superintendents and neighboring Principal PLCs to host or participate in a Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Symposium.

January - March 2019


  • Determine alignment of local assessments with Colorado Academic Standards. Based on the alignment levels, determine how local assessments will be used within the school for educator evaluations, and 2019-20 improvement planning.
  • If local assessments are not adequately aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards, consider options for increasing alignment.
  • Check the READ Act and School Readiness webpages for upcoming training information for teachers.


  • Submit UIP for CDE review by Jan. 15 (for schools with Priority Improvement or Turnaround plan type).
  • Supervisors/evaluators of teachers and specialized service professionals (SSPs) have their mid-year conference to reflect on first half of the year’s educator evaluation observations and evidence and to highlight areas of strength and needed growth. After mid-year review supervisors continue to conduct observations, collect evidence and give ongoing feedback for all teachers and SSPs throughout the year.
  • Implement action plan in school UIP.
  • Administer ACCESS for English Language Learners
  • Determine training needs for kindergarten teachers for school readiness plans and assessment.
  • Ensure ongoing communication with students, teachers, parents and community members on your new educator evaluation system, Colorado Academic Standards and new assessments (CDE communications toolkits available to expedite clear, consistent and timely information sharing).
  • When the local school board adopts a revised policy for graduation requirements, communicate the graduation policy - along with a local menu of options - to students and families, the State Board of Education revised the menu in 2017-18, please note changes.
  • Administer ACCESS for English Language Learners.
  • PSAT and SAT pre-administration staff training questionnaire.
  • Verify that technology environments are ready to go for online testing.
  • Verify any needed paper materials, including accommodated materials, for CMAS have been requested (expected deadline: Jan. 25, 2019).
  • Verify that staff have submitted accommodations information to College Board for PSAT/SAT (due by mid-February).
  • PSAT and SAT optional student questionnaire consent forms.
  • SAT optional essay student registration window. 
  • Principals should provide educators with time to identify any potential gaps in materials and resources alignment when aligned to 2020 Colorado Academic Standards.

Continuous Improvement

  • Monitor implementation of:
  • Review interim measures and implementation benchmarks on the school UIP and adjust plan, if needed.
  • School Accountability Committees monitor progress of UIP implementation and provide input on budget.
  • Engage with superintendents and neighboring Principal PLCs to host or participate in a PWR Symposium

Guiding Questions

  • How are we monitoring whether educators have the information and understanding they need to successfully implement standards, evaluations and assessments?
  • What structures, systems and processes are in place to support school capacity to monitor implementation?
  • What systems might be adjusted this year?
  • What changes need to be considered for next year?

April - June 2019


  • Determine alignment of school's local assessments with Colorado Academic Standards. Based on the alignment levels, determine how local assessments will be used within the school for educator evaluations and 2019-20 improvement planning.
  • If local assessments are not aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards, consider options for increasing alignment.
  • Ensure School Accountability Committees are involved in revising the UIP and providing input on budgets.
  • Submit Consolidated Application for ESEA formula dollars.
  • Send school teams to state level trainings as applicable and available:


  • Finish all educator evaluation observations and evidence collection for the teacher and SSP evaluation process. Hold end-of-year conferences to report on the near-final evaluation rating. Present final written report and preliminary rating two weeks prior to the end of the school year. Set preliminary goals for next year.
  • Register kindergarten teachers for school readiness assessment training as needed.
  • Ensure READ data collection information is submitted to district.
  • Ensure ongoing communication with students, teachers, parents and community members on your educator evaluation system, Colorado Academic Standards and new assessments (CDE communications toolkits available to expedite clear, consistent and timely information sharing).
  • Verify demographic information for all state content assessments is updated in vendor systems as appropriate.
  • Submit UIP to CDE for public posting on by April 16
  • Administer CMAS and CoAlt assessments (science, social studies, mathematics and English language arts).
  • Administer PSAT for ninth-graders and 10th-graders; SAT for 11th-graders.
  • When the local school board adopts a revised policy for graduation requirements, communicate the graduation policy - along with a local menu of
    options - to students and families, the State Board of Education revised the menu in 2017-18, please note changes.
  • Review individual student-level data from the 2019 state assessments as they become available. 
  • Principals should provide educators with time in creating a curricular scope and sequence to the 2020 Colorado Academic Standards to assist educators in addressing any curricular gaps in the coming school year.

Continuous Improvement

  • Monitor implementation of:
  • Review interim measures and implementation benchmarks on the school UIP and adjust plan, if needed.
  • School Accountability Committees monitor progress of UIP implementation and provides input on budget.

Guiding Questions

  • As we reflect on implementation efforts for the year, what system barriers and needs can we identify?
  • What improvements on current processes need to be made?
  • What should be prioritized?