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State Summary of 1999 Graduation and Completer Rates

Graduation Rates Including Alternative Schools

  Class of 1996 Class of 1997 Class of 1998 Class of 1999
  Number of Graduation Number of Graduation Number of Graduation Number of Gradution
  Graduates Rate Graduates Rate Graduates Rate Graduates Rate
Total 32,608 77.7% 34,231 78.5% 35,794 80.1% 36,958 79.9%
Male 15,749 74.8% 16,739 75.3% 17,382 77.0% 18,049 76.7%
Female 16,859 80.6% 17,492 81.9% 18,412 83.2% 18,909 83.3%
American Indian 237 46.2% 238 52.8% 272 56.4% 272 58.4%
Asian 981 80.8% 1,006 82.6% 1,081 84.1% 1,070 82.9%
Black 1,364 65.1% 1,557 68.2% 1,594 69.1% 1,609 70.6%
Hispanic 4,109 59.6% 4,433 61.9% 4,612 63.4% 4,973 64.0%
White 25,917 82.9% 26,997 83.1% 28,235 84.7% 29,034 84.3%
Who is a Graduate? In Colorado, local school boards are responsible for establishing the requirements for high school graduation. There is no statewdide definition.
What is a Graduation Rate? The graduation rate is a cumulative or longitudinal rate which calculates the number of students who actually graduate as a percent of those who were in membership and could have graduated over a four-year period (i.e., from Grade 9-12).

Completer Rates Including Alternative Schools

  Class of 1996 Class of 1997 Class of 1998 Class of 1999
  Number of Completer Number of Completer Number of Completer Number of Completer
  Completers Rate Completers Rate Completers Rate Completers Rate
Total 33,207 79.1% 34,784 79.8% 36,356 81.3% 37,764 81.7%
Male 16,058 76.2% 17,026 76.5% 17,687 78.4% 18,458 78.4%
Female 17,149 81.9% 17,758 83.1% 18,669 84.3% 19,306 85.0%
American Indian 249 48.5% 248 55.0% 289 60.0% 281 60.3%
Asian 989 81.5% 1,016 83.4% 1,093 85.0% 1,082 83.9%
Black 1,424 68.0% 1,610 70.6% 1,635 70.8% 1,717 75.4%
Hispanic 4,261 61.8% 4,581 64.0% 4,788 65.8% 5,230 67.3%
White 26,284 84.1% 27,329 84.1% 28,551 85.6% 29,454 85.5%
What is the Completer Rate? The Completer Rate is also a cumulative or longitudinal rate which caluclates the number of students who graduate, receive certificates or other designations of high school completion. It is also calculated as a percent of those who were in membership and could have graduated or completed over a four-year period (i.e. from Grades 9-12).


For additional information, E-Mail: Peter Fritz